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cyclic conditions

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Old   January 6, 2006, 16:11
Default cyclic conditions
Laurent FERRY
Posts: n/a
hello I want to achieve a chanel in 2d steady. But not to make a too big mesh, I want to use the cyclic condition. I begin to achieve a cube with 10 cells in every direction. When I define the initial conditions, me begin by achieving the symmetry to make a flow 2d. Then me to achieve two conditions cyclic while defining in the tab following the two references of the two conditions cyclic, marked it and the xoffset between the two condition cyclic. until her, the check of boundaries and cyclic works well. But when I want to define to inlet and the outlet of the fluid on the same face of the cells that the condition cyclic, that doesn't work. How to initialize the speed then? Thank you for advance. (sorry for my bad English) happy new year
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