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October 20, 2005, 08:36 |
#1 |
Posts: n/a
I am interested in using v2f turbulence model. Can anybody help me with the required mesh density near walls? Can I use a grid which was meshed for High Re with log. wall function? I have read that there is no y+ criterion but I think to solve the boundary layer accurately you need either cells or wall functions?! |
October 21, 2005, 02:27 |
Re: v2f
#2 |
Posts: n/a
Hi Pete,
What is forcing you to use this particulat turbulence model? Just curious. Since many industrial applications are satisfied by high_Re turbulence model. Thanks |
October 21, 2005, 06:08 |
Re: v2f
#3 |
Posts: n/a
I am thinking about cacluclating natural convection. Therefore I've got a y+ problem with keps H Re. Low Re and TwoLayer are too expensive to mesh and run. So I am interested in the v2f model. But can I use the High Re mesh?
October 27, 2005, 15:11 |
Re: v2f
#4 |
Posts: n/a
as long as i know, v2f is equation which is derived from Low Re turb. model.
From my test, however, v2f has shown good agreement in flow field using the High Re. generally, it must be "y+ ~ 1" at first grid point. thus, you need to refine your mesh. |
November 1, 2005, 04:16 |
Re: v2f
#5 |
Posts: n/a
hi Pete, Yes Durbins V2f model basically derived on the basis of low-Re k-eps model and u cant use High Re mesh, since for which Yplus~1 (same as u r all Low-Re based models).4 transport equation and with wall function made v2f is pretty expensive.Its better to use when u have impingement problem (according to my experience).Ant way all the best let me u r results
Regards ALEX |
November 19, 2005, 11:05 |
Re: v2f
#6 |
Posts: n/a
J'ai l'honneur de vous demander de m'envoyer le cours détailler sur le modèle turbulence V²-f .
Je vous informe que je suis un étudiant en magister à l'université de Batna ( Algérie) Veuillez agréer, Monsieur l'_expression de mes sentiments respectueux |