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Pressure average on boundary

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Old   August 3, 2005, 16:54
Default Pressure average on boundary
Posts: n/a
a need to calculate the pressure average of the inlet. the way i want to do it is multiplying the P*a/A. where P and a are local at each cell and A is the total area.

the way i'm doing it is I load the Pressure to a register and when i want to load the Area of the inlet shells to another register, it loads them in separate cells.

i'm trying to figure way to attach the shells to the boundary, but i haven't found a way, can anybody help?

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Old   August 5, 2005, 20:55
Default Re: Pressure average on boundary
Hubert Janocha
Posts: n/a
if convergence check is switched on you find the boundary pressures in the info file. So you don't have to calculate something. If you want any scalar (be carefull with vector data) in any location of the mesh you can create a monitoring cell set. The results are witen in the *.ecd file. You can load this file in a graph or view it with an editor to see the value of the set. The same for monitoring boundary data. The results are in *.erd.

Of course, shells and 3D cells are cells on there own with there own id number, which must be different. You can map the 3D cell results to the shells with pmap. Then you have the the pressure and the according area of the wanted cell-id.

with cfind you can generate shells onto 3D fluid cells. See Additionally you can create arbitrary planes (shells) (a cut through 3d cells) with pscreate.
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