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mixing cup temperature using posdat.f

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Old   July 8, 2005, 11:46
Default mixing cup temperature using posdat.f
Posts: n/a
Hi everybody My problem is to calculate an average temperature in a cross section of my channel. It can be done using the command "integrate cset", but in the description of this command is written:"This method is not exact and will provide only a rough estimate of the integrated values". And indeed there are problems in a region where the difference between wall temperature and fluid mean temperature is small, if I want to calculate the heat transfer coefficient (heat flux on the wall has in this case also small value), and I think, that it is due to insufficient accuracy of the values that I get from "integrate cset". I could edit the posdat.f user subroutine to get this mean temperature, but I donīt know, how can I get the coordinates of cells, X, Y and Z in posdat.f. Could someone help me, please? Thank you, Boban
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