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1D3D Coupling GT-Power/StarCD

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Old   May 24, 2005, 02:35
Default 1D3D Coupling GT-Power/StarCD
Hubert Janocha
Posts: n/a
I want to couple GT-Power and StarCD (GT 6.0.0 StarCD v3150A or GT 6.1.0 StarCD v3.24) on an Opteron-Cluster with mpich. For this I had to find out that SuSE SLES 8.0 is not a good choice for GT as StarCD has no problems on it. I tried RedHat ELWS 3.0. My compiler Absoft 9.0 for AMD x86_64 refuses to compile as with SLES it was no problem belonging to Star. Additionally to this when I compile and link it on a quit normal PC (RedHat 7.3 x86) and copy the whole case to the Opteron, the case runs coupled GT/Star, but only in single CPU mode. In case of SMP or distributed memory I got an mpich error (error_p4 eror_shmem). That's confusing, because when I wnat to run a quit normal parallel StarCD case in parallel every thing is OK.

Is there anyone who has experience in coupling GT and Star an an Opteron Cluster? Which OS, Compiler, MPICH should I use?

Thanks in awaiting your reply. Hubert Janocha
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Old   May 26, 2005, 05:50
Default Re: 1D3D Coupling GT-Power/StarCD
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What did the vendors say about compatibility? Is GT-Power some kind of subroutine that needs to be linked to StarCD (and hence needs to be compiled for the exact same distro)?
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Old   May 26, 2005, 14:42
Default Re: 1D3D Coupling GT-Power/StarCD
Hubert Janocha
Posts: n/a
Yes, in some sence you are right. GT-Power is a very very good 1D-CFD-software for calculating combustion engine gas exchange and combustion itself. It is a software on its own. but you can combine / link it with StarCD. The compatibillity is good for x86 systems and in seriel mode.

The problem is that this software is used in generell on Windows OS. So the company (Gamma Technollogy Inc.) don't really has much experience in coupling GT with StarCD in parallel mode especially on an Opteron cluster. They give recommandations for some Linux systems (eg. RedHat 7.3). That don't really helps me. I need a common platform for StarCD and GT for Opteron, as transient calculations need much computing time. I am really really really sure that for the versions GT 6.0.0 and StarCD v3150A nobody has testet it on a cluster. Thats not possible, because there are some many obvious problems, they had to see.

I am am trying now GT 6.1.0 and StarCD v3.24, but this is the same game again: which OS is the common platform which compiler is suitable, which MPI-library is needed.

I am my own hardware administrator, and there for not really a hardcore specialist for installing and setup such software.

RedHat ELWS 4.0 (x86_64) is not a supported platform, but it seems to be the best way for this couppling.

Other people are more intelligent than me. They use a x86 cluster system (Intel Xeon). Than you can take RedHat 8.0 as the newest supported platform without any problems !!!

I hope you have some mor information.
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Old   June 6, 2005, 06:54
Default Re: 1D3D Coupling GT-Power/StarCD
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Can you not simply run GT on a PC and have it couple with STAR-CD on a remote Linux cluster of your choice?
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Old   June 6, 2005, 08:42
Default Re: 1D3D Coupling GT-Power/StarCD
Hubert Janocha
Posts: n/a
Yes, that's true, but only for the new GT version 6.1.0. I have heard about it.

It happens that my workstation hangs sometimes for many reasons (buggy software, heat, ...), and when this happens the GT-run can be cancelled. On the other hand the GT Star communication is over the total company network, and I will get a big loss in efficiency.

So my aim is to give the whole / complete job on the server, to be sure it is running (except anyone pulls the plug)

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Old   June 7, 2005, 01:20
Default Re: 1D3D Coupling GT-Power/StarCD
Le Dinh Vu
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I also have some problem about it.
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Old   June 7, 2005, 16:18
Default Re: 1D3D Coupling GT-Power/StarCD
Hubert Janocha
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Let me know if you got it running (GT 6.1.0 StarCD v3.24 on Opteron-cluster).

I would leave a message here when I have success.

In the next days I will try RedHat Enterp. Linux Workstation 4.0 für x86_64.

I already got a success with RedHat ELWS40 on the Opteron with GT-6.0.0 and StarCD v3150A in single CPU mode. But I have compiled / linked on a x86 machine.

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Old   June 21, 2005, 11:27
Default Re: 1D3D Coupling GT-Power/StarCD
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Not so sure where to start, as this posting contains combination of several possibilities: there are 2 version of STAR-CD, and there is two version of GTpower in the discussion.

Let me only give you THE conclusions, followed by my suggestion.

1) It is not possible to support CFD coupling with STAR-CD v3.15 natively (running in 64-bit mode) on opteron based linux. STAR-CD provides only 32-bit libraries with v3.15.

2) It is not possible to support CFD coupling with STAR-CD v3.15 running in 32-bit mode on Linux distribution such as Red Hat 9 or above, RHEL 3/4, and the license library distributed by CD-Adapco is not compatible with the glibc on newer Linux. One will fail for certain for _ctype_b unresolved symbols during compilation.

3) If you have to use STAR v3.15 with GTpower v6.0, you are tied up to RedHat 7.x/8.x. You can compiled on RedHat 7/8, but the mpich part may fail if you run it paralell on opteron machine.

Suggestion to Opteron users: upgrade to STAR-CD v3.24 - GTpower v6.1.

STAR-CD v3.2x represents some major changes in the CFD coupling mechanism. The same is even more so for GTpower v6.1. The socket based IPC implementation makes it possible for GTpower to run as a separate process or even on a different machine/platform, while data is passed between STAR and GTpower through TCP/IP communication.

More importantly for opteron user, STAR-CD supports opteron natively (running in 64-bit mode) on RH 9, RHEL 3/4, and you do not need any compiler to couple with GTpower (ok, maybe you will need Absoft 9.x to compile mpi application). GTpower v6.1 is well tested on above platform/architecture.

-------------------------------------------------- Disaclaimation: My posting is sole my own opinion, and may not reflect the opinion/position of my employer.
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Old   June 21, 2005, 18:36
Default Re: 1D3D Coupling GT-Power/StarCD
Hubert Janocha
Posts: n/a
Hi Allen,

yes, you are exactly right without any exception.

1) I am not interesting in running StarCD in 64 bit mode. For transient calculation a 64-bit-grid is much to large for my Opteron cluster. So StarCD v3.150A (only 32 bit) would be OK.

2) Yes, thats my oberservation too. It is not possible to compile / link StarCD v3.150A on ReHat ELWS 4.0 x86_64.

3) Again yes. I already got StarCD v3.150A running coupled with GT-Power on the Operon, but fully compiled / linked on a quit normal RedHat 7.3 x86 machine, and simple copied and executeted on the Opteron. This case works, but currently only in serial mode, which don't helps me. It's funny that the same mpi libraries work well in a normal parallel StarCD run.

Yes, in the last weeks I have learned to use StarCD v3.24. It works well on my cluster (4 nodes = 1 x RedHat ELWS 4.0 and 3 x SLES 8.0). The next step is to become familiar with the coupling.

I tried to get StarCD v3.150A and GT 6.0.0 running on the cluster because that was my normal way for calculating (own scripts, automatisms, ...). But of course I knew I had to switch to the newer version in the near future. I already have given up using StarCD v3.150A any further.

Ok. now I know what to do: RedHat ELWS 4.0 x86_64, StarCD v3.24 and GT-Power 6.1.0, and it is realy good to know that this will bring the success. No one from GT Inc. or Adapco could give me this info. I was really wondering about this.

Thanks, bye

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Old   June 26, 2005, 17:50
Default Re: 1D3D Coupling GT-Power/StarCD
Hubert Janocha
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Le Dinh Vu: See the last entry. I don't had time for testing but I think this is the right way.
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Old   July 20, 2005, 18:29
Default Re: 1D3D Coupling GT-Power/StarCD
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i nned your software for simulation combustion in the engine . can i ask of you?
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Old   July 25, 2005, 15:03
Default Re: 1D3D Coupling GT-Power/StarCD
Hubert Janocha
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The Software is a commercial software from Gamma Technologie Inc. .

The contact is:

It is a well known stand alone 1D-software for gas-exchange and combustion for charged or normal aspirated engines (diesel and SI).
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Old   July 29, 2005, 12:54
Default Re: 1D3D Coupling GT-Power/StarCD
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The full list of major 1D/3D couplings is:

GT-StarCD GT-Fluent

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Old   September 7, 2005, 10:40
Default Re: 1D3D Coupling GT-Power/StarCD
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Old   September 7, 2005, 23:57
Default help
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hi do u have any case combustion in the fluent i like to get it. thanks
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Old   November 24, 2009, 11:10
Default encountering a problem in coupling GT Power & Fluent
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Reza Nazari
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I want to do a 1d/3d coupling of gt power and fluent in order to study the effect of manifold geometry on engine operation .ehile I'm operating the fluent software, it requires a fluent library file named "gtfluent.dll" for identifying the UDF's to couple .What should I do ?Does anyone have the file ?
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Old   August 15, 2010, 09:03
Default fluent GT power coupling
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dipali is on a distinguished road
copy gtlink.dll from GTpower installation directory to fluent installation directory. Fluent installation directory has GTpower folder. copy the *.dll file in that folder
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