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Pro-Am deleting my Cell Table

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Old   November 3, 2004, 18:41
Default Pro-Am deleting my Cell Table
Ted Crilly
Posts: n/a
hi there , i hope a star-cd user can help me out here,

i have created a model in my cad generating software in import into pro-surf an iges file, i do the usual geometry fix and create surface mesh etc, i setup the surface groups and regions for my walls, inlets, outlets etc and finish up here and save my database file.

I then import my database file into pro-am and use the pro-am mesh generation tool to generate a trimmed mesh from the pro-surf file, my boundary region are there and my cell table are there initially, but when pro-am is finished with the entire mesh, my cell table and boundary information has been removed or overwritten,

my cell table look like a blank canvass with 50 fluid cells and no information assigned,

i've set the inlets and outlets to not have an extrusion layer or subsurface set on them

any ideas where i'm going wrong

TIA - ted

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Old   November 4, 2004, 13:05
Default Re: Pro-Am deleting my Cell Table
Ted Crilly
Posts: n/a
i have found out that pro-am has not deleted my original surface cell data,

it is still in my database id 1, i.e. imported cad data,

but my final mesh is in database id 23, and this does'nt contain my shell cell types,

I would like to be able to apply my boundary conditions and regions to my surface shell types but my final mesh does not contain these

any ideas how i can proceed here?

how can i get my surface shell types into my final mesh, my surface shell are inlets and outlets etc

thanks alot


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Old   November 4, 2004, 13:45
Default Re: Pro-Am deleting my Cell Table
Posts: n/a

This will create you shells wrapping the current cell set displayed and you will be able to define then boundary regions on a subset of the shell set using the BSHELL command.

Have fun...
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