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Old   July 30, 2004, 09:11
Posts: n/a
Hi everybody,

The possibilities of STAR-CD post-processing are rather poor. Or so I think. Especially for the visualisation. I am now considering to do some post-processing with TECPLOT. But the EXPORT of the results into a TECPLOT format gives some errors:

The couples are not recognise by TECPLOT. The surfaces' coupled are visualised even though there is fluid conectivity.

Has anybody experience this problem? Has anybody found a solution? I am at present trying to export the surface mesh only into a TECPLOT format and to use it as second ZONE, but I am facing difficulties with the cells conectivity, and the edition of a file.

Thanks for your help.


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Old   August 1, 2004, 13:25
Default Re: TECPLOT
Posts: n/a
The problem is that tecplot has no concept of incompatible/non-contiguous meshes. So you can either stop using them in STAR and build all your meshes to suit the limitations of what your post-processor can handle or find another post package.
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Old   September 6, 2004, 10:23
Default Re: TECPLOT
Posts: n/a
I used tecplot for meshes with couples and it worked. Probalby it depends, how you export resurlt file.
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Old   October 5, 2004, 21:34
Default Re: TECPLOT
Omar Ameen
Posts: n/a
I referred this problem to Tecplot Inc. Here is their answer.

The surfaces that you mention are the places where two differing regions come together. On one side of such a surface (inside) the elements in your dataset are smaller so there are more of them, and on the other side (outside) the elements are much larger so there a fewer of them. Tecplot doesn't know that they are supposed to go together and so draws the plot with these surfaces in it.

"The way for you to fix this is to define these surfaces for Tecplot. This is done by adding a section to your ASCII dataset for FACENEIGHBORCONNECTIONS, and by adding a parameter to the header of the datafile called FACENEIGBORMODE. The FACENEIGBORMODE command tells Tecplot the manner in which to connect the face neighbors, and the FACENEIGHBORCONNECTIONS section of the dataset lists the connections that are to be made. For more information on the concept of Face Neighbors, please see Chapter 4 section (pp 47 and 48) in the tecplot 10 User' Manual. The syntax of these commands is shown on p58."

Hope that helps
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