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why the pstt file is so huge?

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Old   September 17, 2003, 13:50
Default why the pstt file is so huge?
Posts: n/a
I create one model in which the cell number is about 30K or so and all of those cells are hexhedral cells. I set the number of time steps to be 5000 but every 5 time steps some data will be written into the pstt file. I found the file's capacity will be 1.5 GB!

I think it is too big for my computer's hard disk because only several pstt file will let my computer no disk space.

Are there some means to solve this problem?

Thank you very much for your help!

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Old   September 17, 2003, 18:13
Default Re: why the pstt file is so huge?
Posts: n/a
When you save 1000 time steps to the pstt file, it's going to be huge. A few options:

1. write only the data you need to the pstt file 2. write out fewer time steps to the pstt file

3. If you still want every five, do a serious of fewer timestep restart runs, such as 1000 times steps. Rename the .pstt file to something like *.pstt_1000. Do a standard restart for another 1000 timesteps, rename file to *.pstt_2000, etc. Different pstt files can be loaded into prostar and even combined if necessary.
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Old   September 17, 2003, 18:26
Default Re: why the pstt file is so huge?
Posts: n/a
you can split the pstt file by using the pull down menu.

tools -> convert -> star

and take it from there

I believe the largest file one can have is 2GB

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