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Heat flux on a irregular surface

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Old   December 4, 2002, 06:35
Default Heat flux on a irregular surface
Posts: n/a
hello, In order to obtain the heat flux through the wall of the casing of machine at a given section, I should create a set of vertex on the exterior casing but the casing is not a regular circle.

I would create a set of vertex on a inner circle and then I would move them to the external casing. I can create the vertex set but I can't move them as I would like.

How can I get it?
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Old   December 4, 2002, 21:11
Default Re: Heat flux on a irregular surface
Posts: n/a
Maybe you could generate shell for the exterior case, and then project the vertex onto the shell at prescribed direction.Hope it work.
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Old   December 5, 2002, 04:33
Default Re: Heat flux on a irregular surface
Posts: n/a
Ok, I try to do it. Infact I generate shell with the command "pscreate" and I project the vertex with the command "Vproject", but after that the vertex set not lie on exterior casing (external surface). How is possible? Bye
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Old   December 5, 2002, 10:20
Default Re: Heat flux on a irregular surface
Posts: n/a
Sorry but I made a mistake in the previouse message. How can I generate shell for the exterior case if the casing is not regular?

With the command "pscreate" I generate shells into normal section plane but not on the external surface as I need. In fact if I want to move the vertex set to the exterior casing from initial inner circle I must create shell around external surface.

How can I get it? Bye
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Old   December 5, 2002, 23:02
Default Re: Heat flux on a irregular surface
Posts: n/a
First, I think you have the geometry of the whole case.(in fluid or solid format). Then you can create shell by the command "cfind" or CSET,NEWS,....(SELECT THE CELLS CONTAINS EXTERIOR CASE) VSET,NEWS,CSET,EDGE using the menu "tools ->cell tools" then select "add shells -> surface (new edge vertex set) you can create the shell of extrior case
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Old   December 11, 2002, 06:55
Default Re: Heat flux on a irregular surface
Posts: n/a
Thank you for your help, now I can create the shells on the surface and I have found the heat flux through the wall, but it seems there is an error sign because the heat flux is positive where a great heat flux to the air, that is a negative flux, is expected. I have followed your hints: I projected (VPROJ) 72 vertices to the surface shell and I mapped (PMAP VSET CSET,,10) the heat flux values, obtaining the results i told you before. Can you suggest me how to solve this problem? Bye
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