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using outlet conditions as inlets for other model

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Old   January 28, 2002, 18:38
Default using outlet conditions as inlets for other model
Posts: n/a
I'm looking to export a solution at the outlet of a model, take those same conditions and import them into another model as inlet conditions (in order to model segments of a large HVAC system at a time while preserving conditions throughout the model).

Can this be done? If so, how?


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Old   February 1, 2002, 06:27
Default Re: using outlet conditions as inlets for other mo
Anton S. Lyaskin
Posts: n/a

The general strategy is:

1. Define the coordinate system in some specific point of your outlet (i.e., corner or center) 2. Select the vertices at the outlet and load their coordinates in your new c.s. and all the necessary post data to graph registers (Graph->Load Graph Data...) 3. Write the registers to a file. 4. Now you have to do some manual editing to convert your .grf file to a table. You better look at the manual for the information about tables and their formats. 5. In your "next" model define the c.s. at the inlet at the same point and with the same orientation as at the outlet. Than you have to specify its number in the table. 6. Select option "Table" for your inlet and choose the table file you've created. Don't forget to check the table by reading it and trying to plot the values.
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