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StarCCM+ Settings Template to Get Started

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Old   April 30, 2018, 08:01
Default StarCCM+ Settings Template to Get Started
New Member
Sam Williams
Join Date: Apr 2018
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I am new to the forum and new to StarCCM+. I have just got a copy to use within our Formula Student team as we are bringing a full aero package to the car soon.

I have studied fluid mechanics at university (2nd year mechanical engineering) and have been reading in depth about different strategies, but I cannot directly validate any results until we have a car with aero next year. I have used Fluent quite a bit for 3D internal flow and 2D external flows. I've rarely simulated 3D external flows which is what I want from StarCCM+.

I have moved to StarCCM+ as Fluent limits students to half a million nodes, making it hard to simulate an entire car. I want to use StarCCM+ for all of the aero parts.

I was wondering if there are any files I could get from anyone with some good settings already set up that I can manipulate?

As with all CFD, there are so many settings and as I am relatively new, it would be good to see a good file that I can compare to and have a play with.

The kind of environments I will be simulating are just general sea level at 20 degrees. At around 20 m/s. I am simulating non-transient and I'm looking for good representations of vortices/turbulence from wings, wheel wakes, diffusers etc. Re is around 500,000.

I look forward to hearing what everyone has to say.

Thanks! Sam
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diffuser, formula student, star ccm, starccm+, vehicle aerodynamics

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