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One problem about S43 in sediment transport

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Old   November 1, 2024, 23:21
Default One problem about S43 in sediment transport
New Member
Join Date: May 2024
Posts: 4
Rep Power: 2
JiangFang is on a distinguished road
Dear Professor,
Hello! I'm simulating a scour of an undersea pipeline but there are some problems. The model stops automatically whenever sediment is counted. I found out it has something to do with S43. When the default value of 1000 is reached, the model iterates to 1000 steps to stop the calculation.

simtime: 3.562
timestep: 0.004
Volume 1: 0.021
Volume 2: 0.000
lsmtime: 0.015
kin_iter: 26 kin_time: 0.016
omega_iter: 43 omega_time: 0.021
0 maxvz: 0.0006 maxdh: 0.0030 dtsed: 4.7626
Sediment Volume: 0.0000 vol0: 0.0060 Volume Change: -99.3619 %
Topo: update grid...
Topo: active number of cells: 50178
bedmin: -0.0001
bedmax: 0.0030

Sediment Iter: 1 Sediment Timestep: 4.7626 Sediment Time: 4.7625885
Sediment CompTime: 0.10000

.piter: 4 ptime: 0.010
.piter: 4 ptime: 0.010
.piter: 4 ptime: 0.010
umax: 0.571 utime: 0.036
vmax: 0.000 vtime: 0.000
wmax: 0.311 wtime: 0.040
viscmax: 0.081
kinmax: 0.607
epsmax: 361.989
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832603] *** Process received signal ***
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832603] Signal: Floating point exception (8)
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832603] Signal code: Integer divide-by-zero (1)
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832603] Failing at address: 0x5630404eae2c
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832604] *** Process received signal ***
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832604] Signal: Floating point exception (8)
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832604] Signal code: Integer divide-by-zero (1)
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832604] Failing at address: 0x55d2772e9e2c
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832605] *** Process received signal ***
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832605] Signal: Floating point exception (8)
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832605] Signal code: Integer divide-by-zero (1)
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832605] Failing at address: 0x562b50f7ce2c
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832598] *** Process received signal ***
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832598] Signal: Floating point exception (8)
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832598] Signal code: Integer divide-by-zero (1)
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832598] Failing at address: 0x563e2e9d0e2c
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832599] *** Process received signal ***
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832599] Signal: Floating point exception (8)
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832599] Signal code: Integer divide-by-zero (1)
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832599] Failing at address: 0x55b57c5a5e2c
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832600] *** Process received signal ***
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832600] Signal: Floating point exception (8)
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832600] Signal code: Integer divide-by-zero (1)
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832600] Failing at address: 0x55cacf5d2e2c
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832600] [sun-ThinkStation-D30:832601] *** Process received signal ***
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832601] Signal: Floating point exception (8)
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832601] Signal code: Integer divide-by-zero (1)
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832601] Failing at address: 0x55ec87e64e2c
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832602] *** Process received signal ***
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832602] Signal: Floating point exception (8)
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832602] Signal code: Integer divide-by-zero (1)
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832602] Failing at address: 0x5620c36b1e2c
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832602] [ 0] [sun-ThinkStation-D30:832604] [ 0] [sun-ThinkStation-D30:832605] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7fca13cab090]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832605] [ 1] REEF3D(+0x47ce2c)[0x562b50f7ce2c]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832605] [ 2] REEF3D(+0x13ecdc)[0x562b50c3ecdc]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832605] [ 3] REEF3D(+0x200976)[0x562b50d00976]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832605] [ 4] REEF3D(+0x73208)[0x562b50b73208]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832605] [ 5] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7fca13c8c083]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832605] [ 6] REEF3D(+0x78aae)[0x562b50b78aae]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832605] *** End of error message ***
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832598] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7fc0a40ce090]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832598] [ 1] REEF3D(+0x47ce2c)[0x563e2e9d0e2c]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832598] [ 2] REEF3D(+0x13ecdc)[0x563e2e692cdc]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832598] [ 3] REEF3D(+0x200976)[0x563e2e754976]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832598] [ 4] REEF3D(+0x73208)[0x563e2e5c7208]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832598] [ 5] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7fc0a40af083]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832598] [ 6] REEF3D(+0x78aae)[0x563e2e5ccaae]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832598] *** End of error message ***
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832599] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f842c679090]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832599] [ 1] REEF3D(+0x47ce2c)[0x55b57c5a5e2c]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832599] [ 2] REEF3D(+0x13ecdc)[0x55b57c267cdc]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832599] [ 3] REEF3D(+0x200976)[0x55b57c329976]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832599] [ 4] REEF3D(+0x73208)[0x55b57c19c208]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832599] [ 5] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f842c65a083]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832599] [ 6] REEF3D(+0x78aae)[0x55b57c1a1aae]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832599] *** End of error message ***
[ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7fea11d59090]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832600] [ 1] REEF3D(+0x47ce2c)[0x55cacf5d2e2c]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832600] [ 2] REEF3D(+0x13ecdc)[0x55cacf294cdc]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832600] [ 3] REEF3D(+0x200976)[0x55cacf356976]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832600] [ 4] REEF3D(+0x73208)[0x55cacf1c9208]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832600] [ 5] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7fea11d3a083]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832600] [ 6] REEF3D(+0x78aae)[0x55cacf1ceaae]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832600] *** End of error message ***
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832601] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f07292cf090]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832601] [ 1] REEF3D(+0x47ce2c)[0x55ec87e64e2c]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832601] [ 2] REEF3D(+0x13ecdc)[0x55ec87b26cdc]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832601] [ 3] REEF3D(+0x200976)[0x55ec87be8976]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832601] [ 4] REEF3D(+0x73208)[0x55ec87a5b208]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832601] [ 5] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f07292b0083]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832601] [ 6] REEF3D(+0x78aae)[0x55ec87a60aae]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832601] *** End of error message ***
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832603] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f337b358090]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832603] [ 1] REEF3D(+0x47ce2c)[0x5630404eae2c]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832603] [ 2] REEF3D(+0x13ecdc)[0x5630401accdc]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832603] [ 3] REEF3D(+0x200976)[0x56304026e976]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832603] [ 4] REEF3D(+0x73208)[0x5630400e1208]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832603] [ 5] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f337b339083]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832603] [ 6] REEF3D(+0x78aae)[0x5630400e6aae]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832603] *** End of error message ***
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832604] [ 1] REEF3D(+0x47ce2c)[0x55d2772e9e2c]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832604] [ 2] REEF3D(+0x13ecdc)[0x55d276fabcdc]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832604] [ 3] REEF3D(+0x200976)[0x55d27706d976]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832604] [ 4] REEF3D(+0x73208)[0x55d276ee0208]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832604] [ 5] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7fed3de72083]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832604] [ 6] REEF3D(+0x78aae)[0x55d276ee5aae]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832604] *** End of error message ***
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832602] [ 1] REEF3D(+0x47ce2c)[0x5620c36b1e2c]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832602] [ 2] REEF3D(+0x13ecdc)[0x5620c3373cdc]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832602] [ 3] REEF3D(+0x200976)[0x5620c3435976]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832602] [ 4] REEF3D(+0x73208)[0x5620c32a8208]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832602] [ 5] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f6594b33083]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832602] [ 6] REEF3D(+0x78aae)[0x5620c32adaae]
[sun-ThinkStation-D30:832602] *** End of error message ***
Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned
a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.
mpirun noticed that process rank 7 with PID 0 on node sun-ThinkStation-D30 exited on signal 8 (Floating point exception).

The following are the relevant Settings for the model.
B 1 0.01
B 10 0 3 0 0.01 0 0.7
B 101 11
B 103 11
B 127 0.004 0.01 1.5 0.5 1.1
B 129 0.004 0.01 0.2 0.4 1.1

C 11 1
C 12 3
C 13 3
C 14 2
C 15 21
C 16 3

S 32 1.5 0.251 0.05

M 10 16

B 10 1
B 50 0.0001
B 55 0.00108
B 61 1

D 10 4
D 20 2
D 30 1

F 30 3
F 40 3
F 60 0.55

I 10 1

N 40 3
N 41 1800

M 10 16

P 10 1
P 27 1
P 30 1
P 40 1
P 63 0.1 0.05
P 63 0.5 0.05
P 63 1.2 0.05
P 63 1.4 0.05
P 63 1.5 0.05
P 63 1.6 0.05
P 71 1
P 75 1
P 79 1
P 120 0
P 122 1
P 123 0
P 124 0
P 180 1

S 10 1
S 11 1
S 12 1
S 20 0.00036
S 30 0.0346
S 57 0.2
S 80 2
S 90 4

T 10 2

W 11 0.35 0 0
W 22 -9.81
I would like to ask you how to solve this problem.
Thank you!
JiangFang is offline   Reply With Quote


sediment transport

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