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REEF3D::CFD VTU output on segregated domain

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Old   October 27, 2023, 07:19
Default REEF3D::CFD VTU output on segregated domain [solved]
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Jan M
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Location: Kiel, Germany
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First of all: Thanks a lot for creating and developing this very promising toolkit!

I am trying to simulate the wave impact on a sandbank located within a fjord (baltic sea) and I am planning to include sediment transport in the future.
As the waves are comparably short (~25m) compared to the maximum depth (~18.5m), I want to simulate the case in a coupled manner with a segregated domain with FNPF in the farfield and CFD in the near field in order to minimize the computational time. So far so good - the respective case files are attached (I am running REEF3D 23.08.).

When trying to postprocess the CFD results in ParaView, I get the error message
ERROR: In vtkXMLPDataReader.cxx, line 320
vtkXMLPUnstructuredGridReader (0x169ab150): File for piece 1 cannot be read.
when trying to load the .pvtu files.

After further inspection, I found a somewhat counterintuitive structure within the REEF3D_CFD_VTU folder. While the .pvtu files look okay, and contain a list of files REEF3D-CFD-$TIMESTAMP-[00001 - 00512].vtu just as expected, just a fraction of this files does actually exist. However, a large number of .vtu files with a timestamp not correlating to any .pvtu file are generated.
The sum of .vtu files per partition is equal to the sum of .pvtu files, which leads me to the conclusion that there is an issue with the naming of the .vtu files for cases on a segregated domain.

Maybe I just missed something, I would be glad for any input.


P.S.: the attached image shows the partitions of the FNPF and CFD case as well as the geo points to give a better understanding of the case

P.P.S.: Trying to mesh the cfd case with less partitions than the FNPF case (although being a segregated mesh) gave me
HDC read/write
HDC I/O iter: 10   simtime: 600.003
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
when running DiveMesh, maybe this is another issue worth looking into for a future release

After playing around with a similar case for quite some time I found the problem in my setup. Within my ctrl.txt (CFD) I had the I 40 option activated (initialization from state file).
Apparently this overrules the HDC and it seems like a reference timestep / iteration for the output of vtu / vtp files gets lost as well (there is no cfd state file to initialize from).

Deactivating this option seems to solve my initial problem.
Attached Images
File Type: png PartitionPreview.png (174.5 KB, 24 views)
Attached Files
File Type: txt caseFilesCombined.txt (4.8 KB, 6 views)

Last edited by smajens; November 6, 2023 at 11:23. Reason: Solved the initial problem
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Old   November 30, 2023, 06:51
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Hans Bihs
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valgrinda is on a distinguished road
Just wondering: everything working now?

Which part of the Baltic are you trying to model?
Hans Bihs
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Old   November 30, 2023, 07:28
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Jan M
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smajens is on a distinguished road
Thanks for taking the time to answer.
Although I am still struggling a bit with the HDC, the VTU output issue was resolved after realizing that enabling I 40 leads to REEF3D::CFD looking for CFD state files (which are of cause not availiable) and overwriting (?) the HDC. This apparently caused something like a missing write time reference leading to the described problem.
Regarding my issues with HDC, I am meeting with Widar tomorrow.
I am researching an area within the Kiel bight.

Best Jan
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Old   November 30, 2023, 08:13
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Hans Bihs
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valgrinda is on a distinguished road
Ah, ok. I will be there as well, see you tomorrow.
Hans Bihs
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