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Problems with the moorings and generating Irregular waves

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Old   December 21, 2022, 02:09
Default Problems with the moorings and generating Irregular waves
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borjaba97 is on a distinguished road
Good morning!

I have some issues with the input of the moorings (Quasi-static).
I place all the parameters as it is said in the REEF3D user guide, but when I run it, it gives an error in the velocity (exceeding maximum velocity). Also, when I plot it in ParaView during the first time step the velocity under the floating object is extremely high.
I let you here the ctr and control files to see if someone could help me.
control (moorings).txt
ctrl (moorings).txt

The other problem I have is during the creation of irregular waves, at some point the program gives an error and if you plot it in ParaView the velocities are also extremely high.
I let also the ctr and control file here
ctrl (IrregularWaves).txt
control (IrregularWaves).txt

I've trying for a long time, and I cannot find the error.

Thank you very much!!
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Old   January 12, 2023, 05:57
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Arun Kamath
Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: Trondheim, Norway
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kamath is on a distinguished road
There are a few ways to troubleshoot this.
My advice (for both cases) would be to first ensure that your NWT is in fact capable of generating the waves that you need.
I notice that you use side wall C 12 21 C 13 21 for a 2D case (only one cell in the y-direction). This will firstly cause very high constriction on the flow.

Since you have an NWT that is only one cell wide, you should use the symmetry conditions on the side walls C 12 3 C 13 3. This could already solve your problem.
However, also look a smaller wave tank first to confirm the appropriate grid size that might be required to properly represent your waves, before you move on to bigger domains and complex structures.
X years with REEF3D
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floating body, irregular waves, moorings

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