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B 92 20 Create 'wavemaker.dat' input file

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Old   December 1, 2021, 22:19
Default B 92 20 Create 'wavemaker.dat' input file
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pipi is on a distinguished road
Dear Arun,

From the REEF3D user guide, if I want to create "wavemaker_eta.dat", I need to provide two columns "t" and "eta", I have some confusion about what "eta" is? Is it meaning the local water surface elevation at the Piston location?

Could you please give me an example of this?

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards
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Old   December 2, 2021, 04:33
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Arun Kamath
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Hi Dongfang,
You have two options when it comes to using the piston wavemaker for wave generation.
1. You have the time series of the free surface measured at the wavemaker, t vs η. You then provide this information for wave generation and name the file wavemaker_eta.dat and choose B 92 20

2. You have the wavemaker motion time series, t vs X. Then you provide this information in wavemaker.dat and choose B 92 21

Both these methods for wave generation will then use the piston wavemaker theory to generate the appropriate waves as defined by the wavemaker input files. Therefore, you will generate the same waves as the piston wavemaker in the model test.

You do not create the contents of these files yourself. You have access to this due to the fact that you have access to model test data.

In the case that you don't have this information from the model test, you should use other theoretical wave generation methods available using B 92, based on the waves that are generated in the model test.

Hope that helps!
X years with REEF3D
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Old   December 2, 2021, 05:23
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pipi is on a distinguished road
Thanks for your patient explanation, got it!

Much appreciate!

Kind regards
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