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Formatting of wavemaker.dat for Piston-Type Wavemaker

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Old   August 31, 2021, 17:18
Default Formatting of wavemaker.dat for Piston-Type Wavemaker
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Ross Henteleff
Join Date: Jun 2021
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Hi All,

I'm wondering how one should generate an appropriate wavemaker.dat file for use with the piston-type wavemaker. I have been trying a number of methods, namely saving it as a text file in various ways via MS Excel, but when I try to run REEF3D, the wavemaker.dat file is not found. Below you can find my ctrl.txt and the control.txt. Unfortunately, I cannot upload the wavemaker.dat (converted to .txt) file due to its size. Thanks in advance!

Ross Henteleff
Attached Files
File Type: txt ctrl.txt (361 Bytes, 4 views)
File Type: txt control.txt (173 Bytes, 3 views)
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Old   September 1, 2021, 04:31
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Arun Kamath
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In order to use B 92 21- piston wavemaker input, the file should have two columns (without headers), one for time and one for X (as described in the manual).

It is possible that either the export from excel is assigning a different extension to the file name?

If you are on Windows, you can open an empty Wordpad document and paste the excel data. On a Mac, use textedit.
Other steps:

1. Ensure that the file is in the same location as your input files and executables.

2. The extension should be .dat and not .txt

3. Check if the permission settings are blocking it from being read (use the command ll or ls -l) and confirm if the permissions are minimum of: -rw-r--r--

A change in permission settings can occur if you are using the WSL to run the Ubuntu app and transfer the file to the Ubuntu area using the file explorer.
The solution is to change the permission settings using chmod u+r wavemaker.dat

Alternatively, you can use the cp command to copy from your Windows workspace to the Ubuntu workspace.

4. Open the file and look at the contents. are they just two columns with numbers or is it comma separated or has any other delimiter than space or tab?

Assuming the error in the console is "wavemaker.dat not found", I would say your problem is solved with step 1-3.

Other matters:
the O options in control.txt are now deprecated and I recommend using the equivalent S options instead.

I would also recommend B 98 3 (Dirichlet BC)for wave generation with a piston wavemaker input in ctrl.txt

Hope that helps
X years with REEF3D
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Old   September 1, 2021, 10:53
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Ross Henteleff
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Hi Mr. Kamath,

The issue was the permissions, thanks for your help! I had an old copy of the manual, I have downloaded the latest version and will update the code appropriately as you have suggested.

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