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wing with 40 degree sweep and gap mesh through extrusion

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Old   September 13, 2017, 10:23
Default wing with 40 degree sweep and gap mesh through extrusion
New Member
charles badoe
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: southampton
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I have a wing (NACA 0012) with 40deg sweep. There is a gap of about 2c from the tip to the wind tunnel wall (please see attached image). I am very much interested in this gap and would like to create a structured mesh on the wing as well as the gap. How can i create this in Pointwise. Any advice or assistance would be much appreciated.

Is it possible to do this in the following steps.
1. I am able to create a structured c-grid by extrusion for the airfoil but how can i do the same taking into account the 40degree sweep.
2. Assuming the c-type grid is created and extruded by 5c (airfoil now has open ends) is it possible to some how create another structured (c type ) volume (2c or the gap in this case) and stitch them together.

Thank you very much in advance
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