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Internal Structured Mesh Creation

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Old   July 7, 2017, 21:56
Default Internal Structured Mesh Creation
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John Anonymous
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Hello Pointwise people

I have recently been provided a trial version of the Pointwise software (v18) to evaluate the workflow and the benefit of the software for our purposes. I am hoping to gain an understanding of how the software could benefit me in a short period of time. The first mesh I want to create is an internal structured mesh (for use with OpenFOAM). As this is the first time I have used the software I have been searching through videos and the webcasts on the Pointwise website but have not found anything that provides the type of direction / instruction that I find useful for my purpose.

Attached is a copy of the 'database' (IGES geometry) so people can understand what I am trying to achieve and I would appreciate a point in the right direction on how to create a structured mesh. Assistance may be in the form of a link to a document, video, direct assistance or rough screen capture of the same or similar process. The attached mesh dimensions is in the equivalent to mm and I am aiming to create structured mesh with cell sizes of say 20-40mm.

I guess my first question is what is the first step in creating a suitable volume of this geometry that I can mesh - do i need to change the IGES file that I have? Based upon what I have seen online I feel as though the database needs to be segregated into a series of internal individual blocks or quilts, these are then used to create the spatial domains and blocks with each surface or quilt then meshed. If this is correct it seems very inefficient which has me wondering what an appropriate workflow would be hence the question!

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated, I am hoping that Pointwise will save me some of the frustration I have been going through attempting to do this with open source software.

Kind regards
Attached Files
File Type: gz 5_3D_BEND - 2013.iges.tar.gz (32.5 KB, 8 views)

Last edited by JFM; July 8, 2017 at 09:19. Reason: Addiontal detail related query added.
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Old   July 11, 2017, 13:23
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Rick Matus
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I'd recommend starting with the backward step tutorial in the Pointwise Tutorial Manual. It is tutorial #5 and you can access it through the Pointwise Help menu. That will give you the basics of how to create blocks.

After that, I'd watch these two videos about making block structured grids for turbine blades. and

They're not exactly your geometry, but there are a lot of similarities.

You can also contact Darrin Stephens and Applied CCM, He is a Pointwise whiz and can provide you with some help.

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beginer, pointwsie, structured mesh

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