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Excluding domain boundaries from getting written twice

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Old   May 18, 2016, 19:25
Default Excluding domain boundaries from getting written twice
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skrishnamoorthy is on a distinguished road

I'm using pointwise to generate a 3-D Gmsh structured grid. Think of this grid as two cuboids of different size (one of size 300X300X10, the other of size 300X300X140) with one common face. I want to do two things -

1. This common face needs to have a label associated with it. (say "interface").

2. This face, even though it is a member of both blocks should be written to the mesh file only once, so the full mesh is 300X300X150.

I have tried creating the mesh through extrusion and through creating blocks out of domains but I can't seem to accomplish the goals above. I get a bunch of "unspecified" labels in msh file if I click on "include connections" and my total mesh also ends up becoming 300X300X151, presumably because the internal interface is being included once for each block.

Can someone help me with is?

Thank you!
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Old   May 19, 2016, 12:02
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David Garlisch
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I think I understand the grid you are describing, but please post a pw file or an image of the grid.

Did you apply a BC to the connection domain?

If yes, then the domain will be "inflated" during export. Inflation creates unique (yet coincident) points for each "side" of the domain. That would explain the connection domain being exported twice.

The Gmsh CAE exporter does NOT support non-inflated BC types (yet).

Currently in Pointwise, only the Fluent CAE exporter supports this with the Radiator, Fan, and Porous Jump BC types.

Please log a feature request with Pointwise support if you need this capability in the Gmsh exporter.
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Old   May 19, 2016, 14:44
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Thanks for your reply! The pw file can be found here:

The issue is exactly as you say - I'm trying to attach a label "interface" to the boundary between the two domains. It will either make me attach that label to both instances of the boundary or send one to "unspecified" and the other to "interface". Then when it writes out the mesh, it writes out two copies of the interface, one with the right label, the other with "unspecified". Strangely enough, in the 2D analog of this problem, this does not happen - there, I can choose one instance for the label and the other does not get exported as unspecified.
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Old   May 19, 2016, 15:27
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David Garlisch
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this is a known limitation in the Pointwise Gmsh exporter. No workaround is available.

As I mentioned above, you will need to use the Fluent exporter to stop the inflation of the connection domains.
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Old   May 19, 2016, 15:28
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Ok, thank you for the information! I suppose I'll lodge a feature request and then try and deal with this in my own parser.
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gmsh, pointwise, structured grid

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