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Creating an unstructured Block

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Old   July 29, 2014, 06:57
Post Creating an unstructured Block
Vanessa Herwig
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 36
Rep Power: 12
v_herw is on a distinguished road

i would like to create an unstructured block in a farfield just like it was done in the tutorial "How to master hybrid meshin for wind turbines" (

My issue is that i would like to script that. my script looks like:

set AllBlkDoms[list $_DM(1) $_DM(2) $_DM(3) $_DM(4) $_DM(5) $_DM(6) $_DM(7) $_DM(8) $_DM(9) $_DM(10) $_DM(11) $_DM(12) $_DM(13) $_DM(14) $_DM(15) $_DM(16) $_DM(17) $_DM(18) $_DM(19) $_DM(21) $_DM(21) $_DM(22) $_DM(23)]]

set AssembleBlock [pw::Application begin Create]
  set BlkUnstr [pw::BlockUnstructured create]
  set FaceUnstr [pw::FaceUnstructured create]
  foreach dom $AllBlkDoms {
	$FaceUnstr addDomain $dom
  $BlkUnstr addFace $FaceUnstr
$AssembleBlock end
the problem that occurs is:

Script: ----- TCL TRACE -----
Script: ERROR: could not find any linkages for domain in this face
Script: while executing
Script: "$FaceUnstr addDomain $dom"
Script: (procedure "FarfieldBlock" line 33)
Script: invoked from within
Script: "FarfieldBlock"
Script: (file "C:/temporary/Workstation/Hub_FARFIELD_Block.glf" line 736)

Now i am wondering if there is a way to script that and how it should look like?

How is the linkage working? What does this error mean by saying that pw can't find any linkage for the domain in this face?

Another problem that occurs is that during the initialization some of the points could not be initialized. What are the reasons for that? Do i have to change the spacings (i did change them where the steps where too big)?

Thanks a lot

Last edited by v_herw; July 29, 2014 at 07:06. Reason: forgot something
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Old   August 14, 2014, 05:45
Vanessa Herwig
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 36
Rep Power: 12
v_herw is on a distinguished road
Can anybody give me some advise, please
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Old   August 14, 2014, 12:14
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Chris Sideroff
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[I suspect] since you're adding the domains to face 1-by-1 (the for loop), the order they're added is such that they aren't adjacent to each other. To understand what I mean, go into the Create, Assemble Special, Block ... and start adding the domains 1-by-1. You'll notice you can't just select any domain - only those that are connected to the last one. When adding 1-by-1, order is important.

The best - read easiest - way to do this is to use the pw::FaceUnstructured createFromDomains method. It takes as an argument a list of domains and, if they form a watertight volume, will automatically figure out the order. Of course this will fail if the domains don't make up a watertight volume so you'd have to do some checking if this might not be the case.
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Old   August 14, 2014, 12:43
Vanessa Herwig
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 36
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v_herw is on a distinguished road
is this the right form for it:

set domains[list $_DM(1) $_DM(2) $_DM(3) $_DM(4) $_DM(5) $_DM(6) $_DM(7) $_DM(8) $_DM(9) $_DM(10) $_DM(11) $_DM(12) $_DM(13) $_DM(14) $_DM(15) $_DM(16) $_DM(17) $_DM(18) $_DM(19) $_DM(20) $_DM(21) $_DM(22) $_DM(23)]
pw::FaceUnstructured createFromDomains -single $domains
when I execute my script now there is no unstructured block created. it is be a watertight volume
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linkage, scripting, unstructured block

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