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Scripting - Create Unstructured Mesh

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Old   May 9, 2014, 12:34
Question Scripting - Create Unstructured Mesh
Vanessa Herwig
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 36
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Hi All,

again a scripting question. I am trying to create an Unstructured Domain.

I did it by Hand while Journaling and the Output was:

set _TMP(mode_10) [pw::Application begin Create]
  set _CN(3) [pw::GridEntity getByName "con-1"]
  set _TMP(edge_3) [pw::Edge create]
  $_TMP(edge_3) addConnector $_CN(3)
  set _CN(2) [pw::GridEntity getByName "Boundary Layer Con"]
  $_TMP(edge_3) addConnector $_CN(2)
  $_TMP(edge_3) addConnector $_CN(3)
  set _CN(4) [pw::GridEntity getByName "con-2"]
  $_TMP(edge_3) addConnector $_CN(4)
  set _CN(5) [pw::GridEntity getByName "con-3"]
  $_TMP(edge_3) addConnector $_CN(5)
  set _CN(6) [pw::GridEntity getByName "con-4"]
  $_TMP(edge_3) addConnector $_CN(6)
  set _CN(7) [pw::GridEntity getByName "con-5"]
  $_TMP(edge_3) addConnector $_CN(7)
  set _CN(8) [pw::GridEntity getByName "con-6"]
  $_TMP(edge_3) addConnector $_CN(8)
  set _TMP(dom_1) [pw::DomainUnstructured create]
  $_TMP(dom_1) addEdge $_TMP(edge_3)
  unset _TMP(edge_3)
$_TMP(mode_10) end
unset _TMP(mode_10)
unset _TMP(dom_1)
pw::Application markUndoLevel {Assemble Domain}

set _TMP(mode_10) [pw::Application begin Create]
$_TMP(mode_10) abort
unset _TMP(mode_10)
I tried to modify it like this:

set DomCon[list $_CN(2) $_CN(3) $_CN(4) $_CN(5) $_CN(6) $_CN(7) $_CN(8) $_CN(3)]

set UnstrDomMode [pw::Application begin Create]
	foreach con $DomCon {
		set EdgeCreate [pw::Edge create]
		$EdgeCreate addConnector $con
		set DomCreate [pw::DomainUnstructured create]
		$DomCreate addEdge $EdgeCreate
$UnstrDomMode end
Can somebody help me with this? The fault is that the grid is not closed. I tried to modify my list that it should be closed - but it is not working...

Is the Mode created in the right way or is it completely not what it should look like. Unfortunately I didn't find anything on the Glyph2 homepage.

Thanks for your help.

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Old   May 9, 2014, 13:12
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Travis Carrigan
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Hello Vanessa,

You're close, but you wrapped up too much in your foreach loop. Also, I noticed your connector list has duplicates.

Here's a general procedure for creating an unstructured domain from a list of connectors:

proc DomUnsConnectors { conList } {

  set edge [pw::Edge create]

  foreach con $conList {
    $edge addConnector $con

  set domain [pw::DomainUnstructured create]
  $domain addEdge $edge

  return $domain
An unstructured domain consists of at least one edge. This code will take a connector list and begin by creating an edge object. Next, it will loop through all the connectors and add them one at a time to the edge object. Remember, an edge can consist of multiple connectors. Once the edge has been defined, you can now create the unstructured domain object and add the edge.

I want to mention that this code can be found by browsing the GlyphUtilityLibrary repository on GitHub. There are many functions for creating and manipulating the various entities that Pointwise supports.
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Old   May 12, 2014, 05:09
Vanessa Herwig
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 36
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v_herw is on a distinguished road
Hi Travis,

this procedure looks much nicer than my created one..

I put some of the connectors twice in the list because PW told me that the edge is not closed (I get the same when I proceed with your procedure):

Script: ----- TCL TRACE -----
Script: ERROR: (EXCEPTION) Edge is not closed
Script:     while executing
Script: "$domain addEdge $edge"
Script:     (file "C:/temporary/Workstation/pointwise/journaling/Farfield.jrn" line 130)
I created a Farfield like it is created in the 2d T-Rex tutorial - I have a wake connector behind my foil and around the foil an boundary layer.. To close the edge i thought I have to add the wake con twice in the list.

How can i ensure that i don't include my database cons and also have my wake con twice in it. (In the original code it is _CN(3))

Thank you.


ps: I didn't find the library yet - thank you for giving me the link to it.
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glyph2, mode, unstructured mesh

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