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Creating Chimera Grid in Gridgen

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Old   January 10, 2014, 10:55
Default Creating Chimera Grid in Gridgen
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Galih Bangga
Join Date: Oct 2011
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Dear All,

I am new in Gridgen and I got a problem with overset Grid aka. Chimera, do somebody here know how to create overlapping grid and make a hole cutting using Gridgen? (as example using hole cutter Pegasus or Suggar). If somebody here know what to do, please help me to solve this problem. Please see my Grid on the attachment.

Thank you in advance!
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File Type: jpg Screenshot from 2014-01-10 15:52:22.jpg (99.3 KB, 70 views)
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Old   January 13, 2014, 11:03
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Chris Sideroff
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As you've already done, Gridgen (and Pointwise I might add) can create the overlapping grid. It does not have however have any hole cutting ability. It does however interface with Pegasus and Suggar, meaning it can create the input deck along with the grid files that are provided to either hole cutter as input.

You will need to obtain either Pegasus or Suggar (through their respective owner) to actually perform the cutting.

Additionally, once the mesh has been cut, Gridgen can then read in the overset information from the hole cutting step and display the cut mesh along with fringe and orphan points. There's a specific set of examine functionality dedicated to interrogation of the overset information.

Hope that helps.


Originally Posted by galih_senja View Post
Dear All,

I am new in Gridgen and I got a problem with overset Grid aka. Chimera, do somebody here know how to create overlapping grid and make a hole cutting using Gridgen? (as example using hole cutter Pegasus or Suggar). If somebody here know what to do, please help me to solve this problem. Please see my Grid on the attachment.

Thank you in advance!
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Old   January 14, 2014, 07:22
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Galih Bangga
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Thank you so much!
So that's why I can't make a hole cutting using Gridgen or Pointwise. I have also heard that hole cutting could be done by using FlowEr software from DLR (Germany), Maybe I will try to figure out using this software (since I am not US citizen, so I can't use Pegasus, isn't it?). Or, maybe if you have some experience using FlowEr, please let me know related to this issue.

Kind Regards,
Galih Bangga

Originally Posted by cnsidero View Post
As you've already done, Gridgen (and Pointwise I might add) can create the overlapping grid. It does not have however have any hole cutting ability. It does however interface with Pegasus and Suggar, meaning it can create the input deck along with the grid files that are provided to either hole cutter as input.

You will need to obtain either Pegasus or Suggar (through their respective owner) to actually perform the cutting.

Additionally, once the mesh has been cut, Gridgen can then read in the overset information from the hole cutting step and display the cut mesh along with fringe and orphan points. There's a specific set of examine functionality dedicated to interrogation of the overset information.

Hope that helps.

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chimera grid, gridgen, hole cutting, overlapping grid

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