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how to plot the average pressure over each period?

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Old   May 6, 2008, 10:30
Default how to plot the average pressure over each period?
Posts: n/a
Hello, My model is quite simple. A closed cavity initially with an atmosphere pressure,inside of which is the air. And at the bottom of the cavity, there is an inlet where the H2 could get in.

This case was treated as transient. As the pressure will augment along with the entring of H2, we are interested in the average pressure of the whole field at each period. (the time duration is 6 second)

My question is that how to solve the average pressure? and after solved it, how to plot it by time?

Thanks a lot

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Old   June 5, 2008, 10:16
Default Re: how to plot the average pressure over each per
Allen Badeau
Posts: n/a
Dear Tsui, It is easier just to solve for it using Plant or INFORM and then it could be plotted. Also, if you are just interested in the Total Pressure at each iteration, you can tell the OUTPUT/Derived Variables/TOtal Pressure/ON button to work.

Best Wishes, Allen

*********ACS Consulting - US Distributor of PHOENICS****
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