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population balance with and Euler Euler method.

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Old   May 7, 2004, 08:58
Default population balance with and Euler Euler method.
Posts: n/a
Hi, just a quick question. I am modelling a bubble column using a descretized population balance method.

In order to compute the gaz liquid interaction i have to calculate a new diameter which is gonna depend on the distribution size of the bubble in the each cells.

Many authors propose to use the sauter mean diameter but my some quick calculations i have done show that the mean diameter give me a better results in term of hydrodynamics and also calculation of the bubble surace area needed for transfert.

Can anyone help me to undertsand the motivations of the authors who propose to use the sauter diameter ?

if the answer needs a to be discussed just leave your number on my e-mail box, I would be happy to make the call.

Hope someone will help me, Thomas
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