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Out of Environment Space

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Old   April 3, 2002, 13:58
Default Out of Environment Space
Guillermo Solano
Posts: n/a
Hi everyone, I have done few modifications usin PLANT menu, but when I run Earth in private version on the MSDOS windows the message 'out of environment space' is displayed, Someone knows what is wrong? thank you for you colaboration.
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Old   April 3, 2002, 15:52
Default Re: Out of Environment Space
Posts: n/a

When you attempt to run an MS-DOS program in Windows, you may receive the following error message:

Out of environment space.


This issue can occur if you do not have enough memory in the MS-DOS environment to set an environment variable.


To resolve this issue, increase the default environment space available for MS-DOS programs. To do this, use one of the following methods.

Modify the Environment for All MS-DOS Programs

To increase the default environment space for all MS-DOS programs running in Windows, edit the Shell command in the Config.sys file. To

do this, follow these steps:

Click Start , and then click Run .

In the Open box, type sysedit , and then click OK .

Click the Config.sys window.

At the beginning of the Shell= line, type REM , and then press the SPACEBAR.

If the Shell= line does not exist, proceed to the next step.

Press the HOME key.

Type the following line to create a new Shell= line, and then press ENTER:


On the File menu, click Save .

On the File menu, click Exit .

Restart the computer.

Modify the Environment for a Specific MS-DOS Program

To increase the default environment space for a specific MS-DOS program, follow these steps:

Right-click the MS-DOS program icon, and then click Properties .

Click the Memory tab.

In the Initial Environment box, type the number of kilobytes (KB) that the program requires, and then click OK .

NOTE : The maximum amount of memory that you can allocate for an MS-DOS program is 4096 KB.
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Old   April 5, 2002, 09:13
Default Re: Out of Environment Space
Dr Salam Al-Far
Posts: n/a
This may be related to the size of array that is specified for EARTH to run, you may reduce the total number of grid elements used inorder to fit the size of array on your m/c. If you have a recompilable PHOENICS then you may edit a file called EARTH main.for, and there find a variable called NFDIM, increase the size of this file and you should be able to run PHOENICS with no problem, however if you have a non recomplable PHOENICS, then contact CHAM for a special EARTH EXE. Good luck
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