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Programability of Phoenix CFD Code

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Old   December 28, 2001, 14:54
Default Programability of Phoenix CFD Code
Dave Campbell
Posts: n/a
To what extent is Phoenix CFD Code programable? I expect that at the least it would allow you to modify material properties and specify boundary conditions in somewhat complex geometries. However, does the programability include time dependent boundary conditions or moving boundaries? Does the introduction of additional differential equations, representing other physical or chemical pheonomena to be solved simultaneously with say the Navier-Stokes equations, require purchase of an additional specialized package? For example,can the equations of motion of a particle with mass and finite size/shape be introduced into a standard package using the programability features alone? Other examples could be evaporation and condensation of transported gases, chemical reactions, nucleation and growth on surfaces, etc. I'm looking for a generic sort of answer to better understand the capabilities of the code. I've gone though a good part of the Phoenix web site material but still don't have a clear picture of what programing can accomplish.
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Old   December 31, 2001, 09:06
Default Re: Programability of Phoenix CFD Code
Peter Spalding
Posts: n/a
User-programmability is one of the greatest strengths of the PHOENICS code. Over 50% of the source coding is available to users of the recompilable version of PHOENICS. PHOENICS has various options for users to introduce their own coding. Search on links to "GROUND" "PLANT" and most recently "INFORM".

Continuum equations / non-built-in options is all handled through "GROUND". Useful links for you to browse might include: relating to "GROUND" coding. relating to "PLANT" relating to INFORM.

Particle-phase Lagrangian tracking uses GENTRA, see:

Anything non-standard / not built-in is handled by its user-programmable GROUND-equivalent "GENIUS".

I hope this helps.


Peter Spalding

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Old   January 7, 2002, 10:31
Default Re: Programability of Phoenix CFD Code
Posts: n/a
Dear Dave

I am completely sure you will be satisfied with the capability of PHOENICS to add extra source code to almost any of its features.

I have a good mexican friend who usually say (approximatelly translated from spanish) "You can solve anything with PHOENICS; and if you can't it is because it can't be solved yet."

Of course my friend was talking about CFD problems and it should be read with certain amount of "latin character"; nevertheless, he was mainly refering to the capability we are talking about (using extra source code) and I think he is right.

We (our CFD group) have been using PHOENICS (correct the code name; it is not "phoeniX") to study the following topics: (a)combustion kinetics for gaseous and solid fuels (b)turbulent combustion (c)turbulence (d)atomization (e)contact line dynamic (f)surface tension effects and (g)the flow in technological instalations such as furnaces, VAC systems, engines and power plants.

In all those studies almost the 75% (as average) of used code lines came from extra source code developed "in house", even for parallel PHOENICS version.

Reading your message I can't infer what is your research field, but all aspects you mention can be developed using PHOENICS. Of course you will need computational skills and a certain knowledge about the code working phylosophy.

Read Peter's suggestions and e-mail me to talk about what you want to do with PHOENICS; we can collaborate.


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Old   January 8, 2002, 20:23
Default Re: Programability of Phoenix CFD Code
Dave Campbell
Posts: n/a
Thanks, I checked those sources and they were helpful.
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Old   January 8, 2002, 20:44
Default Re: Programability of Phoenix CFD Code
Dave Campbell
Posts: n/a
Thanks for your comments. I am attempting to start a consulting service that focuses on the needs of the semiconductor industry. I am targeting the simulation of thin film processes like CVD/MOCVD, electroplating, cmp, air flow within minienvironments and lab scale air flow related to environmental safety. Assuming availability, purchasing separate packages for all these would be too expensive at this point, so I am hopeing to add code to a standard package to adapt to each application. I you are interested, take a look at our web site at Now it only deals with cmp and mocvd but in a week or so the site will be updated to reflect flow aspects of the additional items mentioned above.
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