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about inlet setting

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Old   September 19, 2001, 23:17
Default about inlet setting
Posts: n/a
Hello everyone:

(1).I have read a lecture about the gas/particle flow simulation in the riser of CFB one month ago, and I am so interested in it.

(2).I have learned PHOENICS for about six monthes,and I know that the inlet and outlet setting is fixed flow and fixed pressure respectively. But I meet with the hardnut about the inlet P1 setting, the following is part of Group 13 in Q1 file:

INLET(INN_1 ,SOUTH, 1, 16, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, LSTEP)

VALUE(INN_1 ,P1 ,8.442E-01)

VALUE(INN_1 ,P2 ,0.000E+00)

VALUE(INN_1 ,U1 ,0.000E+00)

VALUE(INN_1 ,U2 ,0.000E+00)

VALUE(INN_1 ,V1 ,0.710E+00)

VALUE(INN_1 ,V2 ,0.000E+00)

(3).Under Win98 system,can I do the setting above through VR-Editor and how?

(4).When I input "VALUE(INN_1 ,P1 ,8.442E-01)

VALUE(INN_1 ,P2 ,0.000E+00)" in the VR-Editor,

"VALUE(INN_1 ,R1 ,8.442E-01)

VALUE(INN_1 ,R2 ,0.000E+00)" is showed in Q1 file after exiting through saving.

(5).Eager for yourhelp.



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Old   September 24, 2001, 04:53
Default Re: about inlet setting
Posts: n/a
Dear Dahui Lang

Yes, you can input those commands via VR-Editor. Choose your object and define it as USER-DEFINED type. Then you can add the parameters into the PATCH window.

Nevertheless (to answer the second question also), it is easier to insert the lines into the Q1 file (Group 13) by mean a simple text editor. When you start the VR-Editor next time you will see the values declared in the "properties" window of your inlet object. This will give you an idea of what you can do next time from VRE.

Finally, just to fix the ideas, the "inlet" and "outlet" settings in PHOENICS are more general than you have expressed. I recommend you to contact CHAM professionals for a further training in PHOENICS. Six months is a good training period to start using PHOENICS, but ,as you can see, sometimes they are not enough.


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