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[OpenFOAM] Paraview3 tree and OpenFOAM

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Old   August 13, 2007, 10:31
Default Paraview3 tree and OpenFOAM
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Jens Klostermann
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I am using OpenFOAM-1.4.1 which also seems to be compatible with Paraview3 since there is also a setup file in
OpenFOAM-1.4.1/.OpenFOAM-1.4.1/apps/ParaView3 available. So I compiled Paraview-3.1.0 without any problems. If I compile vtkFoam I get the following error:

vtkFoamAddInternalMesh.C:154: error: no matching function for call to 'vtkUnstructuredGrid::InsertNextCell(VTKCellType, int, int*)'
/home/klosterm/OpenFOAM/linux64/paraview-3.1.0/include/vtkUnstructuredGrid.h:81: note: candidates are: vtkIdType vtkUnstructuredGrid::InsertNextCell(int, vtkIdType, vtkIdType*)
/home/klosterm/OpenFOAM/linux64/paraview-3.1.0/include/vtkUnstructuredGrid.h:82: note: vtkIdType vtkUnstructuredGrid::InsertNextCell(int, vtkIdList*)
vtkFoamAddInternalMesh.C:163: error: no matching function for call to 'vtkUnstructuredGrid::InsertNextCell(VTKCellType, int, int*)'
/home/klosterm/OpenFOAM/linux64/paraview-3.1.0/include/vtkUnstructuredGrid.h:81: note: candidates are: vtkIdType vtkUnstructuredGrid::InsertNextCell(int, vtkIdType, vtkIdType*)
/home/klosterm/OpenFOAM/linux64/paraview-3.1.0/include/vtkUnstructuredGrid.h:82: note: vtkIdType vtkUnstructuredGrid::InsertNextCell(int, vtkIdList*)
vtkFoamAddInternalMesh.C:172: error: no matching function for call to 'vtkUnstructuredGrid::InsertNextCell(VTKCellType, int, int*)'
/home/klosterm/OpenFOAM/linux64/paraview-3.1.0/include/vtkUnstructuredGrid.h:81: note: candidates are: vtkIdType vtkUnstructuredGrid::InsertNextCell(int, vtkIdType, vtkIdType*)
/home/klosterm/OpenFOAM/linux64/paraview-3.1.0/include/vtkUnstructuredGrid.h:82: note: vtkIdType vtkUnstructuredGrid::InsertNextCell(int, vtkIdList*)
vtkFoamAddInternalMesh.C:186: error: no matching function for call to 'vtkUnstructuredGrid::InsertNextCell(VTKCellType, int, int [6])'
/home/klosterm/OpenFOAM/linux64/paraview-3.1.0/include/vtkUnstructuredGrid.h:81: note: candidates are: vtkIdType vtkUnstructuredGrid::InsertNextCell(int, vtkIdType, vtkIdType*)
/home/klosterm/OpenFOAM/linux64/paraview-3.1.0/include/vtkUnstructuredGrid.h:82: note: vtkIdType vtkUnstructuredGrid::InsertNextCell(int, vtkIdList*)
vtkFoamAddInternalMesh.C:202: error: no matching function for call to 'vtkUnstructuredGrid::InsertNextCell(VTKCellType, int, int [8])'
/home/klosterm/OpenFOAM/linux64/paraview-3.1.0/include/vtkUnstructuredGrid.h:81: note: candidates are: vtkIdType vtkUnstructuredGrid::InsertNextCell(int, vtkIdType, vtkIdType*)
/home/klosterm/OpenFOAM/linux64/paraview-3.1.0/include/vtkUnstructuredGrid.h:82: note: vtkIdType vtkUnstructuredGrid::InsertNextCell(int, vtkIdList*)
vtkFoamAddInternalMesh.C:211: error: no matching function for call to 'vtkUnstructuredGrid::InsertNextCell(VTKCellType, int, int*)'
/home/klosterm/OpenFOAM/linux64/paraview-3.1.0/include/vtkUnstructuredGrid.h:81: note: candidates are: vtkIdType vtkUnstructuredGrid::InsertNextCell(int, vtkIdType, vtkIdType*)
/home/klosterm/OpenFOAM/linux64/paraview-3.1.0/include/vtkUnstructuredGrid.h:82: note: vtkIdType vtkUnstructuredGrid::InsertNextCell(int, vtkIdList*)
vtkFoamAddInternalMesh.C:261: error: no matching function for call to 'vtkUnstructuredGrid::InsertNextCell(VTKCellType, int, int [5])'
/home/klosterm/OpenFOAM/linux64/paraview-3.1.0/include/vtkUnstructuredGrid.h:81: note: candidates are: vtkIdType vtkUnstructuredGrid::InsertNextCell(int, vtkIdType, vtkIdType*)
/home/klosterm/OpenFOAM/linux64/paraview-3.1.0/include/vtkUnstructuredGrid.h:82: note: vtkIdType vtkUnstructuredGrid::InsertNextCell(int, vtkIdList*)
vtkFoamAddInternalMesh.C:286: error: no matching function for call to 'vtkUnstructuredGrid::InsertNextCell(VTKCellType, int, int [4])'
/home/klosterm/OpenFOAM/linux64/paraview-3.1.0/include/vtkUnstructuredGrid.h:81: note: candidates are: vtkIdType vtkUnstructuredGrid::InsertNextCell(int, vtkIdType, vtkIdType*)
/home/klosterm/OpenFOAM/linux64/paraview-3.1.0/include/vtkUnstructuredGrid.h:82: note: vtkIdType vtkUnstructuredGrid::InsertNextCell(int, vtkIdList*)
make: *** [Make/linux64GccDPOpt/vtkFoamAddInternalMesh.o] Fehler 1

Any help is appreciated!


PS Right now I am not interested to use the "native" (not by paraview supported) OpenFOAM reader as described here
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Old   August 16, 2007, 16:33
Default Hi Jens! I have the same pr
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Bernhard Gschaider
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Hi Jens!

I have the same problem:
Naivly (without checking for the definition of tkIdType) I replaced all the
with something like
(plus some int-arrays have to be replaced with vtkIdType-arrays)

Now it compiles, but I couldn't get it to load as a plugin because it needs a different GLIBCXX_ (the problem might be that ParaView and OF were built with different versaions of g++)

Note: I don't use "Friend"-feature on this forum out of principle. Ah. And by the way: I'm not on Facebook either. So don't be offended if I don't accept your invitation/friend request
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Old   August 21, 2007, 17:29
Default Hello, A Good day to everyo
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Philippose Rajan
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A Good day to everyone :-)!

A quick question.... I would like to know, if anyone is actively working on porting the OpenFOAM paraview postprocessing tools (PVFoamReader and vtkFoam) to the new ParaView 3.x.x family??

Over the last two days, I was able to modify the existing code to an extent, where ParaView 3.1.1 can be used without any problems for the "Internal Mesh" visualisation.

As for individual patches, the VTK pipeline in ParaView 3.1.1 handles data differently from the versions in the ParaView 2.4.x series, and as of now (with as little modification to existing code as possible), I can visualise individual patches as separate "output ports", which is not the way I would like it to be.

As far as I can see, in order to utilise the capabilities and features of the new VTK, and ParaView 3.x.x, a more extensive rewrite of the two OpenFOAM libraries is required.

If anyone is already working on it, then I would be interested in getting involved.... if not, I would like to go ahead and try my hand at it.

Have a nice evening!

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Old   August 21, 2007, 18:48
Default We are working on moving to Pa
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Mattijs Janssens
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We are working on moving to Paraview3.2 for a next version. Unfortunately 3.2 still changing too much.
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Old   August 22, 2007, 15:01
Default Hello Mattijs, A Good eveni
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Philippose Rajan
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Hello Mattijs,

A Good evening to you!

Do you have any working code for an OpenFOAM post-processing tool using the OpenFOAM libraries, which runs on the current CVS release of Paraview?

Or, maybe... some "back of the envelope" ideas of the various features you would like to incorporate into a library, and the kind of "user interface" you have in mind?

It would be nice to have a look at some preliminary stuff, because I was thinking of getting a little deeper into the VTK/ParaView tools using the OpenFOAM post-processor as a concrete "project" :-)! (Just something to keep my mind busy after the normal work in a day)

Now that Qt-4 is the interface, there seem to be more possibilities for a more interactive user interface for a plugin, so I was wondering what kind of features would be interesting for OpenFOAM.

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