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[OpenFOAM] Paraview opens but cannot perform basic functions, possibly error-ridden installion

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Old   June 15, 2023, 12:01
Default Paraview opens but cannot perform basic functions, possibly error-ridden installion
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baldbrain is on a distinguished road
Hello everyone,

I am beginner trying to learn OpenFOAM and Paraview. I have Installed OpenFOAM 10 correctly. I am operating on a WSL 1.2
environment having a Windows 10 host operating system.

When I tried to build paraview, I am referring the build steps mentioned here ( but I am stuck at the installation of vtk. The installation seems to go well, but when I try to execute their example programs such as creating a cylinder, I see the forllowing error attached in Screenshot 1.

Through a separate route, I tried to install paraview from the "sudo apt-get install paraview" command which installed paraview 5.6 on the WSL environment.
But when I follow along to the Getting started tutorials (, I am not able to successfully execute simple commands like generating a sphere. I am able to do that with the paraview graphical interface but not with the pvpython scripting interface.

When I try to perform the functions listed in the tutorial... I get the following error as attached in Screenshot 2. I had read that the dependency freeglut3-dev is OpenGL Utility Toolkit and I had ensured that I had installed it, along with other necessary dependencies such as build-essential, cmake, mesa-common-dev, mesa-utils, ninja-build.

Please help,
Thanks in advance,
- Harshawardhan Patil
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Old   July 11, 2023, 00:25
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baldbrain is on a distinguished road
Hello there Paraview users...

Anybody there to help me on this problem?
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Old   July 11, 2023, 05:47
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I am really far from being a knowledgable linux user, but as nobody else answers, maybe I can add some ideas/thoughts.

I use WSL too to perform meshing and simulations on my private computer. I think, in its default state, WSL does not come with any support for a graphical user interface, it is just a linux shell. If you google "WSL graphics" there are some pointers as to how graphics can be enabled - but it seems to require additional steps you may or may not have already done. However, when I look at the error you receive, it kind of supports my hypothesis, that there is no valid graphics driver available. I have also seen similar errors when trying to use vtk on an old laptop with only a onboard-GPU, so it looks like it is graphics related.
On the other hand, you seem to be able to start PV in the WSL with a GUI (if I understand your text correctly), which would mean you already have graphics available.
This here indicates you need WSL 2 for it to work:

Another lead: you can try asking in the VTK discourse forum where you can get direct help from the developers of Paraview and vtk.

Sorry for no real solutions, but maybe this helps in some way nevertheless. Good Luck!

Last edited by AtoHM; July 11, 2023 at 08:57.
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paraview 5.6.0

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