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[General] Choosing a computer for paraview: should I get lot of RAM, or more cores?

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Old   June 15, 2023, 04:14
Default Choosing a computer for paraview: should I get lot of RAM, or more cores?
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Hello all,

I use ParaView for post-processing my CFD results at work.
I currently use a 4-core Linux machine with 64 GB of RAM.

For simulations with large number of cells (~25M or more) the post-processing is very slow; I am going to request access to a beefier machine.

So my question is: should I go for more cores, or more RAM compared to my present machine?

For example, if I have 8 cores, I can run paraview on 6 cores, and have the remaining 2 available for me when I want to do any other work on the computer.

On the other hand I can keep the 4 cores, but upgrade the RAM to 256 GB.

Can you guys shed some light on this?

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hardware recommendations, paraview

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