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[OpenFOAM] Paraview 5.9.0 in OpenFOAM-8

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Old   May 7, 2021, 08:15
Default Paraview 5.9.0 in OpenFOAM-8
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Join Date: Mar 2021
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GLfast80 is on a distinguished road
Hello everyone,

I am getting some troubles in sort out this issue.

I have installed on a virtual machine OpenFOAM-8 and Paraview v5.6.3 packaged in a Linux OpenSUSE distribution.

Now, I wanted to update Paraview with the newest version 5.9.0. I downloaded the source code, compiled it in the Third Party directory with makeParaview, and the installation was completed successfully.

Paraview v5.9.0 opens up properly when running the script paraview in the respective folders.

But when in a shell terminal, where OpenFOAM is running, I type Paraview or ParaFoam this opens up again the version 5.6.3 of Paraview, and not the latest one installed in the same directory.

How can I link Paraview 5.9.0 to OpenFOAM to get the proper Paraview/ParaFoam working?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Old   May 7, 2021, 13:10
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Mark Olesen
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Originally Posted by GLfast80 View Post
But when in a shell terminal, where OpenFOAM is running, I type Paraview or ParaFoam this opens up again the version 5.6.3 of Paraview, and not the latest one installed in the same directory.

How can I link Paraview 5.9.0 to OpenFOAM to get the proper Paraview/ParaFoam working?
This is simply a question of setting your PATH. You probably have the old version specified in the etc/ file. Can change it here to specify something else, but it is generally better to look at the example paraview config file and make a copy in your ~/.OpenFOAM/ directory. That is what I always do.
Another good try is to simply make an alias with paraview=/installation/path/bin/paraview. This is what I do if using a precompiled binary.

If you have openSUSE, it might be worth taking a look at the science repo. They have paraview 5.9.0 as rpms. I haven't tried recently, but the static-devel subpackage should be enough for building plugins if want to go that way.
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Old   May 7, 2021, 16:46
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Originally Posted by olesen View Post
This is simply a question of setting your PATH. You probably have the old version specified in the etc/ file. Can change it here to specify something else, but it is generally better to look at the example paraview config file and make a copy in your ~/.OpenFOAM/ directory. That is what I always do.
Yes, this is exactly the point: I tried to set the paraview file in the /home/cfd-user/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-8/etc/ directory in this way (for Paraview v5.9.0):

# Note
# This file could be copied to a user or site location, but should never
# replace the default shipped version as this will cause an infinite loop.

# Use other (shipped) paraview with a different ParaView_VERSION

foamFile=$($WM_PROJECT_DIR/bin/foamEtcFile -mode o 2>/dev/null)
[ $? -eq 0 ] && . $foamFile ParaView_VERSION=5.9.0

unset foamFile


and put it in the OpenFOAM directory:


while the shipped I did not modify and it is in the original folder:


but it doesn't work.

Hence my questions:
- is the file properly set up?
- is the location of this file correct?

because the instructions given in the file itself are a bit too synthetic in my opinion.

Another good try is to simply make an alias with paraview=/installation/path/bin/paraview. This is what I do if using a precompiled binary.
I did also this way, downloaded the binary of Paraview 5.9.0 and then set up the env. variables and alias for two versions of Paraview (5.6.3 packaged in OpenFOAM and 5.9.0). This works properly in a terminal shell.

My question arises because when in a shell terminal, where OpenFOAM is running, I type Paraview or ParaFoam this opens up again the version 5.6.3 of Paraview, and not the latest one installed in the same directory.

So I wanted to link Paraview 5.9.0 to OpenFOAM to get the proper Paraview/ParaFoam working. To do this I guess I have to “update” the PV4Foam reader module to run in general another Paraview version which does not come with OpenFOAM.
In the web there are many, often not precise and confused, instructions and did not manage to do it. The only solution which looked viable to me was the one of the you suggested, but in my case I can't get it work.

If you have openSUSE, it might be worth taking a look at the science repo. They have paraview 5.9.0 as rpms. I haven't tried recently, but the static-devel subpackage should be enough for building plugins if want to go that way.
Thanks for this tip, I will have a look at it.
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Old   May 11, 2021, 15:10
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Mark Olesen
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Hence my questions:
- is the file properly set up?
- is the location of this file correct?

because the instructions given in the file itself are a bit too synthetic in my opinion.
I don't know what "synthetic" means in this context but it seems that you have perhaps tried placing a copy of the example file somewhere, but doesn't look like a valid location.

I will assume that you read the notes in the file. Use variants of "foamEtcFile -list" to see where the files are normally located (user stuff goes in the ~/.OpenFOAM/ directory). Can later use "foamEtcFile" to verify which file is actually being found.
If you do all of this before sourcing the bashrc, it will save a lot of time.
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