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[OpenFOAM] Updating location of patches

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Old   June 30, 2020, 05:41
Default Updating location of patches
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Jane L
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Dear Foamers,

I am currently struggeling with the visualisation of a tank sloshing simulation.

What I did so far:
Running the tutorial "sloshingTank3D6DoF" (multiphase/interFoam/laminar) with OpenFOAM v1912
Visualisation in ParaView 5.6.3. to show the movement of the tank walls and the free water surface:
Watersurface via Contour alpha=0.5 from internal mesh
Tank Boundries via ExtractBlock from patches

My problem:
The location the internal mesh is updated for each timestep but the tank walls (patches) are not updated. This leads to the picture attached.

My question:
How can I force ParaView to automatically update the location of the patches for every timestep? I don't remember this was an issue when I did similar calculations 6 years ago...

Thank you for any help, best regards

Attached Images
File Type: jpg sloshingTank.jpg (78.0 KB, 7 views)
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Old   July 7, 2020, 03:39
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Jane L
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Hi All,

I tried to perform foamToVTK and opened the files directly with ParaView 5.6.3. When I select the walls with the extractBlock filter, the location of the walls are updated every timestep, so I assume this is a bug in ParaView when started with the paraFoam command.

Can anybody check if this is still the case for newer OpenFOAM / ParaView versions?

Thanks for any help!

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Old   November 28, 2023, 05:11
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To have ParaView automatically update the location of patches for each time step, you can try the following steps:

1. Select the name of the patch in the "Properties" section on the left panel my location
2. Select "Apply" to apply the changes.
3. Select "Animation" on the toolbar.
4. Select "Start" to start running the animation.
You can also try to learn more about updating patch locations using different ParaView plugins or scripts.
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Old   February 20, 2024, 21:02
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srata eva
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You can follow these steps:
1. Open your simulation results in ParaView.

2. Make sure that the time slider is visible in the ParaView interface. If it's not visible, you can enable it by going to View → Display → Show Time in the menu.

3. Select the tank walls (patches) in the pipeline browser on the left-hand side of the ParaView Drift Boss window.
4. In the Properties panel on the right-hand side, locate the section named "Information" and expand it if necessary.

5. Look for the property named "Time". By default, it should be set to "Time". This indicates that the patch location is fixed and does not update with each timestep.

6. Change the value of the "Time" property to "Timestep". This setting tells ParaView to update the patch location for each timestep in your simulation.

7. After changing the "Time" property, you should see the tank walls (patches) update their location in the visualization as you scrub or play through the time slider.
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