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[General] ParaView and Autodesk Maya -- Integration of Scene Settings

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Old   May 17, 2018, 23:03
Default ParaView and Autodesk Maya -- Integration of Scene Settings
New Member
Matus Cvengros
Join Date: May 2018
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bluecore is on a distinguished road
Hi everyone,

I am currently writing my Master Thesis on unsteady flow around a ship, and just few days ago I started to do some visualisations in ParaView. However, I figured I could create really interesting looking visualisations that would set me apart by rendering the scene in Maya and overlaying the alpha channels with normally produced coloring of surfaces by ParaView, such as pressure. That way I might end up with beautiful soft shadows and depth, which would not be as bland as it is in ParaView.

The only thing I would need is to set up camera settings in both ParaView and Maya to have the same values, as I need to ensure that proper perspective and angle is set for the renders. However, these settings are set differently in both software packages.

Does anyone have any experience in mixing the two together to achieve photorealistic visualisations?

Thanks for help!
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camera, maya, paraview, render, settings

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