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[General] Curved Glyphs

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Old   April 25, 2017, 21:46
Exclamation Curved Glyphs
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Henry Lau
Join Date: Apr 2017
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I was visualizing my vorticity vector field and notice that I am not able to see the pattern without zooming in as there are too many glyphs and are too packed.

Currently, I am using a calculator to combine X,Y,Z vorticity field into a single vector field using the calculator. Take a slice of it and do a glyph filter visualizing all points on the plane.

I notice that one possible way is to visualize a curved glyphs and scale up a little bit to make it more noticeable, but not sure how to do that. Does anyone know whats the steps to do that? Or any other suggestions?

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Old   April 28, 2017, 10:08
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Originally Posted by Henry Lau View Post

I was visualizing my vorticity vector field and notice that I am not able to see the pattern without zooming in as there are too many glyphs and are too packed.

Currently, I am using a calculator to combine X,Y,Z vorticity field into a single vector field using the calculator. Take a slice of it and do a glyph filter visualizing all points on the plane.

I notice that one possible way is to visualize a curved glyphs and scale up a little bit to make it more noticeable, but not sure how to do that. Does anyone know whats the steps to do that? Or any other suggestions?

Hello Henry,

You can easily achieve curved glyphs by combining the Paraview filters "Surface vectors", "mask points", "Stream Tracer with Custom Source", and "glyph".

First apply the "surface vectors" to your slice/plane.
Then apply a "mask points filter" and adjust the settings "maximum number of points", "ratio" and "random sampling" until you have gained wanted amount of seed points for the curved glyphs.
After this you need to apply the filter "stream tracer with custom source", and set the "input" to the "surface vector" filter and the "mask points" as seed source. Adjust the "integration step unit" to "length" and "integration direction" to "backward", also tune the rest of the "step length" and "streamline length" parameters to gain wanted length and detail of the glyphs. The next step is then to apply a glyph filter on the "mask point" filter, adjust "vectors" to velocity/U and "tip length" to 1, the rest of the settings may also need to be adjusted to gain the wanted style of the glyphs.
On the stream tracer filter you can then also apply a "tube" filter to gain wanted thickness of the glyph.

With this approach you should be able to achieve curved glyphs.

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