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[General] an average surface based on the sum of parallel slices

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Old   January 12, 2017, 12:36
Default an average surface based on the sum of parallel slices
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I am aiming to post-process the following case with paraview:
I have a 3D liquid sheet with a 3D velocity field inside it. I want to transform this 3D velocity field into a 2D one (something like a projection). This new field will represent the average of the first one over the direction x which is perpendicular to the sheet plane (The sheet geometry is not so far from a planar one).
I started by doing some slices on different positions situated on the x axis but I can't figure out how to create a new surface which represent an average of the created slices along x.
One last detail is that before doing slices I have extracted only the liquid phase from the entire domain and that's because I am interested in the average only in the liquid phase. I said it because I have obtained slices (parallel surfaces) which have not the same size and I don't know if that can introduce a difficulty when doing the sum of them.

Thanks in advance,
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