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[General] Keeping the Camera Upright

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Old   November 15, 2016, 05:04
Default Keeping the Camera Upright
New Member
Max Marschall
Join Date: Nov 2016
Posts: 8
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I am new to ParaView and am having trouble with the 3D navigation. By default, when I "rotate" around my objects the camera tends to tilt - I therefore keep on having to "roll" the camera in order to be upright again.

I am used to architectural CAD programs where the camera is never rotated around its viewing axis (="roll"). At 2:46 in this tutorial video there is an example of how this works (in Rhino it is called "orbit", not "rotate"):

I realize that in File_Settings..._Camera I am able to assign manipulators to different buttons, but what I am looking for does not seem to exist here.

The one thing that comes close is holding Z while rotating. This is almost what I want, only that I need my "eyeball" to be able to move up and down in a spherical motion, instead of being locked at a certain height around a Z axis.

I am surprised that I haven't found this question elsewhere since to me it seems to be an obvious feature. I am either searching for the wrong keywords or am missing something very basic here. Any help much appreciated, since this current work flow is really slowing things down for me!

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camera, paraview, rotate, upright, z-axis

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