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[General] Streamlines from VTK files

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Old   May 5, 2016, 13:16
Question Streamlines from VTK files
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Giacomo Bianchi
Join Date: May 2016
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Zerleccoia is on a distinguished road
Hi to all the forum members,

I'm working with a CFD code, that generates VTK files for the post processing analysis. The VTK files are in ASCII format, and contains a 3D unstructured grid.
I implemented in the code a subroutine that writes on the VTK files the velocity vector, in order to have the capability to plot the streamlines. All the data, contained in the files, are cell centered.

The files are correctly loaded by Paraview 4.4 but when I try to plot the streamlines it doesn't work. In other words Paraview plots the 3D absolute velocity behaviour (subdivided in: magnitude, v_x, v_y and v_z) but when I apply the streamlines filter the results is: nothing!

I try also to apply the filter that convert the cell data to point one and then the streamlines filter, but the result is the same.

An extract of the VTK file:
# vtk DataFile Version 2.0
thrust chamber CFD
POINTS 16362 double
-2.500000000000000000E-01 9.999875000260416377E-09 -4.999979166692708427E-11
-2.448309969999999947E-01 9.999875000260416377E-09 -4.999979166692708427E-11
-2.396645568999999920E-01 9.999875000260416377E-09 -4.999979166692708427E-11
-2.345032371000000115E-01 9.999875000260416377E-09 -4.999979166692708427E-11
-2.293495854000000000E-01 9.999875000260416377E-09 -4.999979166692708427E-11
-2.242061341000000096E-01 9.999875000260416377E-09 -4.999979166692708427E-11
-2.190753954999999920E-01 9.999875000260416377E-09 -4.999979166692708427E-11
-2.139598570000000033E-01 9.999875000260416377E-09 -4.999979166692708427E-11
CELLS 8000 72000
8 0 1 8181 8182 101 102 8282 8283
8 1 2 8182 8183 102 103 8283 8284
8 2 3 8183 8184 103 104 8284 8285
8 3 4 8184 8185 104 105 8285 8286
8 4 5 8185 8186 105 106 8286 8287
8 5 6 8186 8187 106 107 8287 8288
8 6 7 8187 8188 107 108 8288 8289
8 7 8 8188 8189 108 109 8289 8290
8 8 9 8189 8190 109 110 8290 8291
SCALARS x_cell double 1
VECTORS abs_velocity double
192.220690820413 2.444612918771256E-003 0.000000000000000E+000
192.379961606148 -1.826508573244362E-004 0.000000000000000E+000
192.396020998876 -2.048172707990287E-003 0.000000000000000E+000
192.442370098759 -3.391550801923255E-003 0.000000000000000E+000
192.501794334703 -4.197255965859460E-003 0.000000000000000E+000
192.573755113614 -4.789858871917042E-003 0.000000000000000E+000
192.651450479687 -5.102639068440504E-003 0.000000000000000E+000
192.732962257096 -5.269476954555725E-003 0.000000000000000E+000

Anyone of you have encountered this kind of problem?

Thank you in advance!

Last edited by Zerleccoia; May 6, 2016 at 04:23.
Zerleccoia is offline   Reply With Quote


paraview 4.4.0, streamlines, unstructured grid

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