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[General] Survey data to vector field for streamlines analysis

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Old   January 12, 2016, 13:20
Default Survey data to vector field for streamlines analysis
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archaeoguy is on a distinguished road
Hello all,

I am new to Paraview and I have spent the last couple of weeks reading blogs and tutorials in order to learn how to use Paraview to analyze my data. I am an archaeologist and I am exploring ways to use Paraview to model post-depositional influences on archaeological deposits, like water, wind, etc through changes in the 3D orientation of mapped archaeological materials.

What I have are survey points in the format Y,X,Z (northing, easting, orthometric height). Each data point represents the mid-point of a single, elongate artifact that was derived from mapping both ends of the object. In addition to the mid-point, the end-points were also used to calculate the 3D orientation and slope of the artifact as it was excavated. Orientation is measured from 0-360 degrees where 0 degrees is north while slope is measured form 0-360 degrees where 0 degree is straight up and 90 degrees is horizontal.

I can use our mapping software to render each point as a 3D glyph and show how changes in orientation and slope reveal post-depositional influences on the archaeological deposits that orient the artifacts in roughly the same direction. Now, I want to use these point data to model streamlines so that I can better understand more complex movements of the deposits as a whole.

What I cannot figure out is how to transform the discrete point data from Y,X,Z, orientation, and slope into vectors so that I can create a structured grid and the streamlines? I can import my data, view it as points, and I have also figured out how to create a structured grid on small datasets. I have also tried using the Delaunay 3D mesh, but I'm not sure if that is the right approach either. I really hope that one of you all will be able to help me after you have a look at the attached sample of my data set. I've done my best to ensure that my post is not repeated or answered in some way already, and I really appreciate any feedback.


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