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[General] Paraview script executed by SGE grid engine

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Old   December 10, 2015, 11:22
Default Paraview script executed by SGE grid engine
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I have many .vtk files containing a surface each. For each surface I want a picture in .png. For each file I create a python script that extracts the .png file.

When I make a loop and run all scripts after each other, I get all my pictures.

When I submit all these scripts in the SGE queueing system, 95% of the .png are correct while about 5% are wrong, missing a part of the surface, or other random problems.

I need to launch them in the queueing system to speed up the process (about 32 times faster).

I have tried to replace the "pvpython" by "pvbatch --use-offscreen-rendering". Then the quality is right. However, now the graphical part is not done by the graphical card anymore and is done by 1 single core (for all processes running at the same time) giving poor performance.

Does anyone have an idea why the output of pvpython is randomly wrong ?
Or how can I solve my performance problem ?

Thanks in advance !
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