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[General] Averaging/integrating multiple slices individually

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Old   February 19, 2015, 10:51
Default Averaging/integrating multiple slices individually
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Join Date: Mar 2009
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gotang is on a distinguished road
Hi all,

The TLDR version of my question: If I create a slice with multiple offsets, the IntegrateVariables filter will integrate across all the slices together, rather than each slice individually. Is there any way to get average values of each slice offset individually, rather than averaging across all of the slices simultaneously?

Here's an explanation of my problem in full in case anyone has any better ways of doing this:

I am postprocessing some Fluent CFD data, exported via the Ensight Gold format. I'm trying to create a plot of heat transfer coefficient on a surface against x-coordinate, but with the HTC averaged across the surface in the direction normal to the plot direction.

The best method I've come up with so far is to have a filter pipeline of:
|->Slice [Creates a slice over which to average - this is a 1D curved line]
|->CellDatatoPointData [To allow the "Length" field to be accessed by the Calculator]
->Calculator [Divides the "integrated HTC" by "integrated Length" to calculate the actual average]

This works, but only for one location at a time. If I create multiple slice offsets, the IntegrateVariables filter integrates over all slices together. I could reproduce this filter pipeline for every single x-position and then use groupDatasets to assemble them, but this would get very laborious. Does anyone have any better ways of doing this?

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