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[General] pvdataserver <-> pvrenderserver communication port

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Old   October 28, 2014, 02:46
Default pvdataserver <-> pvrenderserver communication port
Niklas Wikstrom
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 86
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I need to run client, dataserver and renderserver on hosts occupying different networks (subnets). More specifically, I want to run a parallel pvdataserver on cluster nodes (subnet a.b.c.0), whereas the renderserver and client are on subnet x.y.z.0.

I can open ssh-tunnels between machines, so that client can communicate with renderserver and dataserver both.

However, the communication between dataserver and renderserver is held over a port which I do not seem to be able to specify: The "render-node-port" is more or less random, thus preventing me to provide ssh-tunneling for it.

In ParaView documentation, the --render-node-port option is mentioned (accessible from command line or .pvx file), but neither ParaView 4.1 nor ParaView 4.2 seem to support this anymore. I have grep'ed the source code to no avail.

Could anyone advice me on how to enable the necessary communication between render- and data-servers?

(btw, using a parallel data-server is very very efficient when posting parallel OpenFOAM cases.)

Best regards

P.S, I'd rather avoid compile ParaView myself, since I fail to befriend "cmake"... D.S.
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network, openfoam, paraview, port, pvrenderserver

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