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[General] Programmable Filter: when multiple inputs, how to verify which input is which?

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Old   July 12, 2014, 12:14
Default Programmable Filter: when multiple inputs, how to verify which input is which?
Senior Member
François Grégoire
Join Date: Jan 2010
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macfly is on a distinguished road

I have a programmable filter with 3 inputs (see attached picture). The 3 inputs have variables with the same nomenclature ('temperature' and 'Area'), so I work with the input variables in the following manner:
data0 = inputs[0].PointData['temperature']
data1 = inputs[1].PointData['temperature']
data2 = inputs[2].PointData['temperature']
I don't want to modify the nomenclature in previous filters, I want to keep 'temperature' and 'Area'. Since all the variables of the inputs have the same nomenclature, I'm not sure which input comes from which Integrate Variables. I don't want to add a bunch of Calculators neither just to copy variables with a new nomenclature, it would result in a cumbersome pipeline.

My question is: In a programmable filter with multiple inputs, is there a way to know the inputs order or obtain detailed information about the inputs? For example, I would like to make sure that input[0] is IntegrateVariables1.

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