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[General] Particle Simulation in ParaView

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Old   May 14, 2014, 15:16
Default Particle Simulation in ParaView
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rohit narurkar
Join Date: Sep 2013
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I am working with ParaView for the very first time, and I am supposed to simulate 'n' particles over 't' time steps.

With a code, I can generate the position vectors (3-D) of all the particles at all the time steps and I am currently writing the data down to a .csv format.

How am I supposed to import the position vector data in to ParaView and simulate it over all the time steps?

In the end, I would like to see something like this If I must output the data from my code to some other format, which can be easily identified by ParaView as time-varying data, then what is that output format and how do I go about doing it?

Thanks a lot! Rohit.
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paraview 4.1, particle simulation, time varying, xyz format

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