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[General] Highlighting specific points in a Paraview movie

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Old   June 6, 2013, 04:49
Default Highlighting specific points in a Paraview movie
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Join Date: Nov 2009
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jhapk is on a distinguished road

I have a NxNxN (N=512) cube data stored in multiple h5 format files for a time varying solution. I read it in Paraview using a xmf file. I am able to make a time varying movie of a particular iso-surface using the xmf file.

For each time step I have a particular node, say (x*, y*, z*), which I want to highlight (using a sphere, for example). I have all these coordinates stored in a another file. Can anyone please suggest me, how can I make a movie where these particular nodes are highlighted along with the iso-suface movie?

Thank you,

My present xmf file looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE Xdmf SYSTEM "Xdmf.dtd" []>
<Xdmf Version="2.0">
<Grid Name="Box" GridType="Collection" CollectionType="Temporal">
<Grid Name="mesh1" GridType="Uniform">
<Topology TopologyType="3DCoRectMesh" Dimensions="512 512 512"/>
<Geometry GeometryType="ORIGIN_DXDYDZ">
<DataItem DataType="Float" Dimensions="3" Format="XML">0.0 0.0 0.0</DataItem>
<DataItem DataType="Float" Dimensions="3" Format="XML">0.1 0.1 0.1</DataItem>
<Time Value="00000" />
<Attribute Name="vor" AttributeType="Scalar" Center="Node">
<DataItem Dimensions="512 512 512" NumberType="Float" Precision="4" Format="HDF">
<Grid Name="mesh1" GridType="Uniform">
<Topology TopologyType="3DCoRectMesh" Dimensions="512 512 512"/>
<Geometry GeometryType="ORIGIN_DXDYDZ">
<DataItem DataType="Float" Dimensions="3" Format="XML">0.0 0.0 0.0</DataItem>
<DataItem DataType="Float" Dimensions="3" Format="XML">0.1 0.1 0.1</DataItem>
<Time Value="00006" />
<Attribute Name="vor" AttributeType="Scalar" Center="Node">
<DataItem Dimensions="512 512 512" NumberType="Float" Precision="4" Format="HDF">
******many blocks like these************

And the points I want to highlight have coordinates like this:

00000 241 54 310
00006 241 54 308
00012 240 55 310
00018 239 55 310
00024 261 294 395
00030 256 373 32
00036 257 372 32
00042 257 371 32
00048 258 370 32
00054 258 369 32
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Old   June 6, 2013, 07:30
New Member
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 7
Rep Power: 17
jhapk is on a distinguished road
I think I can state my question much more simply. I have a file with data like this:

00000, 241, 54, 310
00006, 241, 54, 308
00012, 240, 55, 310
00018, 239, 55, 310
00024, 261, 294, 395
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
00030, 256, 373, 32
00036, 257, 372, 32
00042, 257, 371, 32
00048, 258, 370, 32
00054, 258, 369, 32

The first coloumn is the time stamp and the following three coloums are the x, y and z coordinates. I want to highlight the points in the file as function of time in a cube of 512x512x512 such that the only the particular node has a sphere (for example) and the rest of the domain is empty.

How can I do that with an xmf file?
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