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[General] Plotting contours on a triangular 3D mesh

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Old   February 27, 2013, 13:08
Default Plotting contours on a triangular 3D mesh
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Nikolaos Beratlis
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I have an STL file of a sphere containing a 3D surface mesh of triangles. I also have the pressure at the vertex of each triangle. I would like plot contours of the pressure on the sphere.

In Tecplot I used to have two Tecplot formatted files, one of "grid" type (similar to a STL file) and one of "solution" type which contained the value of the pressure on the vertices of the triangles. Once I read those two separate files into Tecplot I could easily plot contours. I attach two images illustrating the situation. The first image contains the triangular surface mesh on the sphere. The second images contains contours of the pressure on the surface of the sphere. The value of the pressure is located at the vertices of the triangles.

In Paraview however I have problems reading the Tecplot files, I looked online and it seems Paraview has issues reading Tecplot formatted files. I was wondering how could I do the same thing in Paraview? Basically I would like to have one file that contains the geometry of the 3D surface mesh and another file that contains values of a scalar quantity defined at the vertices of the triangles. I could use STL for example, but STL only shows me the geometry, it doesn't allow for the solution (such as pressure, skin friction) to be read. Have anyone done this before?

Thank you,

Attached Images
File Type: jpg sphere_surface_mesh.jpg (98.6 KB, 9 views)
File Type: jpg Cp_contours_sphere.jpg (72.3 KB, 14 views)

Last edited by nikosb; February 27, 2013 at 13:25.
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Old   March 2, 2013, 10:40
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Bruno Santos
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Greetings Nikos,

Since without a simple example case, I can't try it myself, I can think of a few filters that might help you - reference page: luck!
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contours, stl

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