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Scientific references for buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam?

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Old   September 15, 2011, 03:52
Default Scientific references for buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam?
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I want to do some scientific work involving buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam, and I need scientific references for this solver, in particular references explaining the equations and parameters used by this solver.

Any recommendations?

Thank you
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Old   September 15, 2011, 04:49
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Roman Thiele
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what you need is basically explained in the words of the solver.

you need a reference for the SIMPLE algorithm (for example a good computational fluid mechanics book, Ferziger J.H., Peric M. "Computational methods for fluid dynamics" (Springer, 3ed, 2001) ), you need a reference for the boussinesq approximation (the one for buoyancy not the one for turbulence modeling, sometimes also in fluid dynamics books or in thermal hydraulics books, Bird, Transport Phenomena like ) and you need the navier stokes equation (any fluid mechanics book will give you those, again Ferziger). the boussinesq approximation comes in as a source term into the navier stokes equations.

it will further depend on the turbulence models you want to use. there are some references already in the turbulence model files itself, under $FOAM_SRC/turbulence/incompressible/RAS you will find the turbulence models, in most of th .h files you will find the references to the papers that were used to create the models.
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Old   September 15, 2011, 06:58
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Thank you, but some questions remain:
1. Do you know references for the temperature-related equations that are used in buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam?
2. References for the parameters in 0/alphat, 0/kappat, 0/p_rgh, 0/T, 0/, constant/transportProperties?
3. Is there any reference providing a complete statement of all equations and parameters used in buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam?
4. If the answer to 3. is "no", then I think this would be an important task for us, the OpenFOAM users, in the future, not only for this solver.
5. Is there a systematic way to identify the equations and parameters that are used e.g. by the "hotroom" example of buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam?

5. may be trivial for experienced OpenFOAMEr's, I have used commercial CFD software for a long time and I am just starting with OpenFOAM.
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Old   September 15, 2011, 07:56
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Roman Thiele
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Originally Posted by OpenFOAMER.1 View Post
Thank you, but some questions remain:
1. Do you know references for the temperature-related equations that are used in buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam?
2. References for the parameters in 0/alphat, 0/kappat, 0/p_rgh, 0/T, 0/, constant/transportProperties?
3. Is there any reference providing a complete statement of all equations and parameters used in buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam?
4. If the answer to 3. is "no", then I think this would be an important task for us, the OpenFOAM users, in the future, not only for this solver.
5. Is there a systematic way to identify the equations and parameters that are used e.g. by the "hotroom" example of buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam?

5. may be trivial for experienced OpenFOAMEr's, I have used commercial CFD software for a long time and I am just starting with OpenFOAM.
->1. as a reference to the temperature equation you should just check and scalar convection diffusion transport equation, which are described in most fluid mechanics books, also in Bird, Transport Phenomena

->2. there are no references, but you can take a look at the boundary conditions in the examples and take a look at the different boundary conditions
given in the OpenFOAM manual

->3. as i explained before, especially for this solver, we are talking about the navier stokes equation for momentum transport in steady state conditions and scalar convection diffusion transport equations for the temperature. the source/sink terms change with application. the best thing to do is to take a look at the solver itself under
/opt/openfoam201/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyanyBoussinesqSimpleFoam this will give you some insight into the solver and you can see which equations are used. as a reference for this you can then use the OpenFOAM C++ source guide

-> 5. what do u mean with with parameters and equations? the equations are in the solvers and the parameters (?) are given in the
transportProperties and RASProperties under constant and for parameter for the solvers are given under system in fvSolution and fvSchemes, which will give you the solution algorithms (algorithms for solving the systems of equations) and the tolerances for convergence and the interpolation/decomposition schemes for different operations like laplacians, divergence and gradients, respectively
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