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Mesh refinement across the curve

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Old   July 18, 2011, 15:58
Default Mesh refinement across the curve
Aleksey Rukhlenko
Join Date: Nov 2009
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Greetings, colleagues!

I need to refine mesh along some trace. For example, I have a set of points, and I need to refine mesh along the line connecting these points. Please, help me, how to do this.

To explain why I need it. I calculate the chemical reactions and mass transfer on a stationary velocity field (obtained previously from simpleFoam). The case is the flow around an obstacle. And I need to refine mesh along the separatrix which divides the recirculation zone and the core of flow. I can estimate this separatrix from ParaView (e.g. obtain some points and interpolate between them).

As I understand, I need to define some cellSet and then refine it. But how can I define the cellSet in right manner, i.e. along the
separatrix curve?

Please, help.

Best regards, Aleksey.
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cellset, mesh refinement

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