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OpenFOAM-1.6-ext on openSUSE 11.4-64bit

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Old   June 23, 2011, 13:28
Default OpenFOAM-1.6-ext on openSUSE 11.4-64bit
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Jon Elvar Wallevik
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Dear FOAMers

Here AN (prototype) installation procedure for OpenFOAM-1.6-ext on openSUSE 11.4 64-bit

There is a possibility that this procedure is not complete, as it worked on my laptop computer, but not on my desktop computer , both running 64 bit openSUSE 11.4. Nevertheless, I decide to post this procedure, since this might work on your computer, or better yet, you may come with a better solution.

Note that much of the info here is attained from cfd-online. The problem has however been that the information is scattered across the board,... really fragmented and hard to read.

My objective here is try to give one coherent one page procedure of how to install the 1.6-ext of OpenFOAM on openSUSE 11.4 64-bit, so you can enjoy for example the fun of grid-rotation with ggi or sliding-interface.

Note, some of the steps below are really redundant, but still I recommend that you follow these steps to the letter. Again, this installation procedure may not be complete, so you do this at your own risk.

I hope this is of help.
Make sure that you have internet connection during the whole installation procedure. A lot will be automatically downloaded during installation.

The whole installation procedure of 1.6-ext can easily take up to 8 hours (even more), and it is not fully automated, so make sure that you have the whole day for your self.
Install OpenFOAM 1.7.x as is well explained by Alberto at
(or at least install the programs and libraries mentioned there, like the “sudo zypper install -t pattern devel_C_C++ ”)


or install OpenFOAM 2.0.x, as explained at

If your are a newcomer to OpenFOAM, you should really do this step, at least as a training.
Installing the 1.6-ext version is much more difficult,..
(in fact if you are really a newcomer, you should perhaps leave 1.6-ext alone for now)
update your computer with:
“sudo zypper update”

...reboot your computer (just in case), and then install some libraries,...

sudo zypper install flex rpm alien bison byacc texinfo m4 libglib2.0-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libiodbc2-dev libmpfr1 libmpfr1ldbl libmysqlclient15-dev libpng12-dev libpq-dev libsqlite0-dev libtiff4-dev mesa-common-dev xorg-dev zlib1g-dev libstdc++5 ibglib2.0-dev libQtWebKit4-32bit libdrm-32bit liblcms1-32bit libmng-32bit libmysqlclient_r16-32bit libqt4-32bit libqt4-qt3support-32bit libqt4-sql-32bit libqt4-sql-mysql-32bit libqt4-sql-sqlite-32bit libqt4-x11-32bit libQtWebKit4-32bit libstdc++33 Mesa-32bit cmake libqt4-devel gnuplot

... and reboot your computer once more after this (just in case)

Note some of these packages WILL NOT be found,... don’t worry about that. I just haven’t had time to clean the above.
edit your ~/.bashrc
and add the two lines

export QT_BIN_DIR=/usr/bin
. $HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.6-ext/etc/bashrc

and comment you 1.7.x line (or 2.0.x) with "#", i.e. have

# . $HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.7.x/etc/bashrc
# . $HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.0.x/etc/bashrc

... thereafter, save your .bashrc file and exit!
cd ~/OpenFOAM
git clone git://

NOTE, IMPORTANT: log out and log in again (or reboot your system), if the 1.7.x (or 2.0.x) paths were active in step (3), above. Otherwise your 1.7.x (or 2.0.x) and 1.6-ext paths will be mixed, which will be fatal.
make sure that you have ...

compilerInstall=System the file...


(...this should be the default)
cd $WM_PROJECT_DIR/ThirdParty/


NOTE: Do NOT [as in NEVER] run AllMake.stage0,... leave it alone!!!
source your ~/.bashrc (source ~/.bashrc), or better yet open a new xterm and quit the old one.
cd $WM_PROJECT_DIR/ThirdParty/

This will initialize the CMAKE_DIR environment

echo $CMAKE_DIR your xterm (or konsole/gnome-terminal) to make sure. If empty try again. Dont start the next step until you have something like this ...
cd $WM_PROJECT_DIR/ThirdParty/

source your ~/.bashrc (source ~/.bashrc), or better yet open a new xterm and quit the old one.


echo $FOAM_MPI_LIBBIN make sure that you have MPI libs env in order!

You should get something like...

cd $WM_PROJECT_DIR/ThirdParty/

source your ~/.bashrc (source ~/.bashrc), or better yet open a new xterm and quit the old one.

[optinal: you could do "env | grep Third" to see the ThirdParty env variables that is present at this stage]
cd $WM_PROJECT_DIR/ThirdParty/

edit Allwmake.stage4 and add


...these commands are supposed to be approximately in lines 54 and 55, i.e. just before

echo ========================================
echo Starting ThirdParty AllMake: Stage4
echo ========================================
source your ~/.bashrc (source ~/.bashrc), or better yet open a new xterm and quit the old one.

NOTE: I don’t think this step is necessary, but just do it just in case in the space.
cd $WM_PROJECT_DIR/ThirdParty/

source your ~/.bashrc (source ~/.bashrc), or better yet open a new xterm and quit the old one.
./Allwmake | tee wmake_log_file_A.txt

(you could also include the "2>&1" thingi if you like, but not necessary, i.e. ./Allwmake 2>&1 | tee wmake_log_file_A.txt)

NOTE NOTE NOTE: Your compilation at this stage WILL crash at some point. That’s OK (provided that all the above steps have been successful)! When it does, do the steps below...
mkdir -p $FOAM_RUN

source your ~/.bashrc (source ~/.bashrc), or better yet open a new xterm and quit the old one.

./Allwmake | tee wmake_log_file_B.txt
(you will likely see some error, but don't mind it)
source your ~/.bashrc (source ~/.bashrc), or better yet open a new xterm and quit the old one.

./Allwmake | tee wmake_log_file_C.txt
(...I did this in total 3 times, i.e. steps 16 to 18)

If you are still getting error after allmake no 4, then you are in trouble:
Your install should be about 8.5 Gb (is at least so in my case),... anything less means not everything has been installed.


Luck with you all,...
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Old   June 29, 2011, 06:10
Antonio Liggieri
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alfa_8C is an unknown quantity at this point
Hello Jon,

first of all thank you for this clear procedure! It must have been a lot of work :-)

I have OpenSUSE 11.3-64bit running on my LapTop. But I've tried it anyway.

I carried out all the steps exactly the way you described it, including the procedure provided by Alberto.

1. OpenFOAM-1.7.x installed -> runs without any problems

2. Followed all the steps of your description --> worked without any problems until step (15).

3. From step (16) on I receive so much erros - a huge amount of libraries are not found. I attached a short version of the logFile with errors written in red. If you may take short look at it I would really appreciate it. Maybe it is something very simple corrupting my compilation.

Thank you in advance, Toni

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Old   June 30, 2011, 08:44
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Jon Elvar Wallevik
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Originally Posted by alfa_8C View Post
Hello Jon,

first of all thank you for this clear procedure! It must have been a lot of work :-)

I have OpenSUSE 11.3-64bit running on my LapTop. But I've tried it anyway.

I carried out all the steps exactly the way you described it, including the procedure provided by Alberto.

1. OpenFOAM-1.7.x installed -> runs without any problems

2. Followed all the steps of your description --> worked without any problems until step (15).

3. From step (16) on I receive so much erros - a huge amount of libraries are not found. I attached a short version of the logFile with errors written in red. If you may take short look at it I would really appreciate it. Maybe it is something very simple corrupting my compilation.

Thank you in advance, Toni

Attachment 8215
Hi Toni

Ok I am assuming that you did the step (16) several times.
I took a look at your error file, and that did not help me in finding the problem, unfortunately (these messages are a bit criptic, as they report the problem but do not explain the problem one step behind it; not that I am complaining; OF is after all free and great)

The only thing I can come up with is that you are missing system libraries on your system.

Installing 16ext on 11.4 is possible as I have it running on my laptop (and should be in fact easier on 11.3). But obviously, there is some libraries on that system which is not on my desktop. As in your case, my desktop also failed in step (16) and beyond.

One question: Do you know a zypper command that can give you info about what libraries and programs are installed on a opensuse system? as in "zypper -xxx > installed.txt" or something like that?

If you can find out the best command, I will run it on my laptop and post the result here.

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Old   June 30, 2011, 10:15
Antonio Liggieri
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Hello Jon,

in fact I did step (16) 4 times. This is the reason why my last .txt file has a "D" in the name.

Currenty we are installing OpenSuse 11.4. I hope it will work then

But regarding your question. I think the command you are looking for is the following:

zypper se ¦ tee installed.txt (btw.... "¦" should be a pipe)

As soon as you can write out the package list you can send it to me as an attachment. I hope the file will not be too big for it. Otherwise I'll send you my e-mail.

Best, Toni
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Old   June 30, 2011, 13:05
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Jon Elvar Wallevik
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Originally Posted by alfa_8C View Post
Hello Jon,

in fact I did step (16) 4 times. This is the reason why my last .txt file has a "D" in the name.

Currenty we are installing OpenSuse 11.4. I hope it will work then

But regarding your question. I think the command you are looking for is the following:

zypper se ¦ tee installed.txt (btw.... "¦" should be a pipe)

As soon as you can write out the package list you can send it to me as an attachment. I hope the file will not be too big for it. Otherwise I'll send you my e-mail.

Best, Toni

I will do that
My laptop is at home and thus I cannot do this until I am at home.
Unfortenatly, I will be away from my office until the next Tuesday (I will maybe drop by on Saturday, but I am not sure; but next Tuesday for sure)

Hope you can live with this.

Good luck with your 11.4 installation.

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Old   July 5, 2011, 08:22
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Jon Elvar Wallevik
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Originally Posted by alfa_8C View Post
Hello Jon,

in fact I did step (16) 4 times. This is the reason why my last .txt file has a "D" in the name.

Currenty we are installing OpenSuse 11.4. I hope it will work then

But regarding your question. I think the command you are looking for is the following:

zypper se ¦ tee installed.txt (btw.... "¦" should be a pipe)

As soon as you can write out the package list you can send it to me as an attachment. I hope the file will not be too big for it. Otherwise I'll send you my e-mail.

Best, Toni
Hi Toni

Here is the file you wanted

The file "installed.txt" is what you really want
and is done with "zypper se -i | tee installed.txt" (i for installed packages)

I made also the file "installed_long.txt" is made with "zypper se | tee installed_long.txt", but that list also displays everything available in the corresponding repositories. I cannot post it here, since even with zip, it is too large and exceeds the 100 Kb size limit. But installed.txt should be sufficient for your purpose.

You see what repos are involved in the top of the file.

Lets hope this will work

p.s. if you make a zypper install file out of this (meaning if you clean up the file "installed.txt"), could you please post it here
Attached Files
File Type: zip (39.8 KB, 23 views)
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Old   March 19, 2012, 04:30
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stephane sanchi
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Dear Jon,

I'm trying to follow your procedure for the installation of OpenFOAM-1.6-ext.

After ./AllMake.stage1

CMAKE_DIR: Undefined variable.

If I redo ./AllMake.stage1 I get the following message:

This system rpm command: rpm

Starting ThirdParty AllMake: Stage1

Package name : cmake-2.8.3
Package URL :
RPM spec file name: cmake-2.8.3.spec
Additional flags :
Updating the ThirdParty environment variables before building package cmake-2.8.3
Package cmake-2.8.3 is already installed
Done installing package

Done ThirdParty AllMake: Stage1

Best regards,
Stephane Sanchi.
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Old   March 19, 2012, 12:41
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Jon Elvar Wallevik
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Hi Stephane

I only managed to compile 1.6-ext once in openSUSE. Even everything is the same (as far as I can see) on other openSUSE computers I have, I haven't been able to re-compile it. I have basically given up trying to do so. Today, I am content with the OF 2.0.x and 2.1.x on the openSUSE 12.1 (64 bit of course).

If it is GGI (grid rotation) you are interested in 1.6-ext, then note that the 2.1.x version of OpenFOAM has it now fully implemented with tutorial example.

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Old   March 20, 2012, 03:29
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stephane sanchi
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Hi Jon,

Too, I am satisfied with OF-2.1.x.

Yes, I am interested about the GGI. But it crashes very often for unknown reasons.

I would like to use the 1.6-ext version and the transientSimpleDyMFoam solver.

Anyone else can help me to install OF-1.6-ext on openSUSE ?

Best regards,
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Old   April 5, 2012, 20:05
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Marco A. Turcios
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Thanks a lot for this JonW. I'm building for 32 bit OpenSUSE-11.4 and it has worked well on one of my machines. On another I get the following error during Allwmake.stage3:

make[1]: Entering directory `/home/mturcios/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.6-ext/ThirdParty/rpmBuild/BUILD/ParMetis-3.1.1/Programs'
make[1]: warning: jobserver unavailable: using -j1.  Add `+' to parent make rule.
io.c:(.text+0x15d0): undefined reference to `ompi_mpi_int'
io.c:(.text+0x16f5): undefined reference to `ompi_mpi_int'
io.c:(.text+0x178d): undefined reference to `ompi_mpi_int'
io.c:(.text+0x1898): undefined reference to `ompi_mpi_int'
io.c:(.text+0x18cd): undefined reference to `ompi_mpi_int'
There are a ton of "undefined reference" errors, quite a few in /usr/lib/ Is it possible the previous build of openmpi finished but was incomplete?
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