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Scalar equation and a table from a file

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Old   April 20, 2011, 10:01
Default Scalar equation and a table from a file
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Hello, I have to solve the following problem: I have a scalar transport equation of a variable Y with a source term called Y'.
Imagine that I have values of Y in a discrete way, included in the range [0:1] and Y' values different and dependent on the Y ones (for each Y I have a Y'). Let's pretend that I want to evaluate the values of Y' from a value of Y not included in the discrete table (for instance Y = 0.005) simply making a linear interpolation.

Y - Y'
0 - 10
0,1 - 12
0,2 - 56
0,3 - 78
0,4 - 98
0,5 - 99
0,6 - 56
0,7 - 21
0,8 - 12
0,9 - 11
1,0 - 5
the first question is: how to upload the table in the memory of the scalar equation I have? second: which tools are better to be used for linear interpolation? regards, alex is offline   Reply With Quote


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