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Mesh smoothing at runtime in OF

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Old   May 18, 2010, 04:21
Default Mesh smoothing at runtime in OF
Wolfgang W.
Join Date: Nov 2009
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Hello Foamers,

I have a question concerning dynamic meshes.

I have an oscillating circular wall (representing a bubble) inside a pipe. As the pipe and the bubble are of similar dimension and the bubble changes greatly in diameter, I employ the layerAdditionRemoval engine of TopoChangerFvMesh.

The bubble is surrounded by several concentric prism layers, which it 'eats up' when expanding and reallocates when contracting - everything fine so far.
Now this bubble won't stay perfectly spherical but rather become elliptical as it expands - and here comes the problem. Is it possible in Openfoam (using OF-1.5-dev) to 'adapt', 'relax' or 'smooth' the mesh at runtime in order to make my prism layers adapt to the form of the bubble?

So far, my bubble wall expands in an elliptical way but the prism layers - of course - stay circular, thus leading after some layerRemoval steps to a very bad mesh (see pics).

Does anybody have a suggestion on how to tackle this problem? I already tried combining with automaticMeshMotion but I can't find a way to smooth the mesh.

I would greatly welcome and appreciate any advice!
Best regards,
Attached Images
File Type: jpg Bubble_topoChanger_01.jpg (83.7 KB, 111 views)
File Type: jpg Bubble_topoChanger_03.jpg (69.7 KB, 108 views)
File Type: jpg Bubble_topoChanger_04.jpg (81.9 KB, 115 views)
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Old   December 2, 2011, 15:25
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Daniel WEI (老魏)
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Originally Posted by WiWo View Post
Hello Foamers,

I have a question concerning dynamic meshes.

I have an oscillating circular wall (representing a bubble) inside a pipe. As the pipe and the bubble are of similar dimension and the bubble changes greatly in diameter, I employ the layerAdditionRemoval engine of TopoChangerFvMesh.

The bubble is surrounded by several concentric prism layers, which it 'eats up' when expanding and reallocates when contracting - everything fine so far.
Now this bubble won't stay perfectly spherical but rather become elliptical as it expands - and here comes the problem. Is it possible in Openfoam (using OF-1.5-dev) to 'adapt', 'relax' or 'smooth' the mesh at runtime in order to make my prism layers adapt to the form of the bubble?

So far, my bubble wall expands in an elliptical way but the prism layers - of course - stay circular, thus leading after some layerRemoval steps to a very bad mesh (see pics).

Does anybody have a suggestion on how to tackle this problem? I already tried combining with automaticMeshMotion but I can't find a way to smooth the mesh.

I would greatly welcome and appreciate any advice!
Best regards,
I made surface point moving and then laplacian smooth the whole flow point. If the initial mesh is not too bad, then the results are acceptable.
Daniel WEI
Boeing Research & Technology - China
Beijing, China
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